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Words that grab my attention and sometimes heart

public health, nutrition, biology, music, Japanese, videography, geeks, vegetarian food, puzzles

OLPC-Health related activities

  • Talked to User: Mchua about possibly holding Health Jam in Boston/Cambridge in late spring/early summer. I think that'd be a great idea! -- Feb 17, 2008
  • Arjun and I have been contacting people who're involved in the health project to connect people with similar interests.

About me

  • I am interested in helping OLPC in building medical library content and creating a way of using XO as a communication tool between patients and doctors in rural areas.
  • I'm currently a Master in Pubic Health student at Harvard School of Public Health, studying public health with a focus in international health. I am also doing research on Akt/PI3K cell signaling pathways in a lab at HSPH. I have previously worked in a lab studying poliovirus infection.
  • I also studied nutrition at Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University. I did research on the role of "good" and "bad" fats in the development of atherosclerosis in mice as part of my thesis work. If you want to know which fatty food to eat, come talk to me!
  • Other random things about me:
    • I like classical/jazz music. Given enough time, I'll practice and play Debussy's "Fireworks" for anyone who's interested.
    • I play Shogi.
    • My native language is Japanese.
    • I enjoy doing videography. For instance, iPod Liberation.
    • I maintain the Debian package of my favorite piece of software, bubblefishymon.
    • I'm a vegetarian.
    • I love puzzles.

Contact Info

  • visit Acetarium