
< User:TTown
Revision as of 19:09, 25 February 2008 by TTown (talk | contribs)
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My aim is to help making the XS Server setup less geeky

First I'll try to get a setup running that provides the minimum functionality for a deployment in Alabama.
Then I'll try to take what I've learned in the process and use it to reduce the steps to getting this deployable setup.
I focus less on how the XOs interact with the XS but on what the teachers and local admins will encounter.

Neccessities for a Deployment in Alabama

  • Support for access points - mesh is for low infra structure / low student count environment
  • Squid
  • moodle
  • DansGuardian


  • If you use just one access point - like for a trial setup - and connect it straight to the eth2 port, don't forget to use a cross-over cable. And set the access point up as follows:
  1. You do NOT want to enable DHCP on that access point.
  2. Make sure that the access point is NOT running in "gateway" mode.
  3. You can assign it a fixed address in the range -
  4. gateway
  5. netmask

These remarks were taken from an email from wad and helped getting me unstuck.

  • Squid runs out of the box! (Build150)

  • moodle installs to /var/www/moodle but is inaccessible. Sort of sits there and does nothing.

  • DansGuardian installs a little tricky.

The rpm for fc7 is downloadable from Installing it (yum localinstall ....rpm) leads to an unsigned rpm error. A work around for now is to (in /etc/yum.conf) turn the gpgcheck=1 to gpgcheck=0 to get the rpm installed and then set it back to gpgcheck=1.
Now DansGuardian is installed, but it still won't start (--> service dansguardian start) because there is a port conflict: Lighttpd has port 8080 already occupied...
Hopefully I'll find ways around this. Maybe with a little help??