
Revision as of 05:06, 29 February 2008 by Peru (talk | contribs) (Peru. Javier Rodriguez. Who I am, What I can do for the OLPC project)
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Peru: Thousands of OLPCs have arrived. We need to help for the success of this project. Too much is in involved. The opportunity is too big. It will works not only for the students but for the whole peruvian society.

My name: Javier Rodriguez

Knowledge: Deep knodledge about computers (hardware), software (windows and linux), telecomunications (satellite dishes, wireless networking), regulatory issues (national and internacional), internet evolution and development (since iana to the modern icann), networking (ipV4, ipV6), programming languages and other related issues.

What I can do for the project in this moment:

a) Translate documents, software, operative system, and tools to spanish language. b) Share ideas about some applications to help the survival of the project and get a better internet. c) Collect and put in the hands of the children all the spanish language e-books that I can fin on the net. d) Promote the OLPC project, report the findings and improvement needed.

For all this purpose I have registered a domain: I hope to put there all what I can find and develop for the OLPC project.

Date: 28 Feb 2008

mail contact:

phone contact: 51 1 967 00520