OLPC Europe/Repairing

< OLPC Europe
Revision as of 17:56, 17 March 2008 by Mchua (talk | contribs)
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- some soft/hardware hackers 
- limited space (my living room 2x month) informal tech meeting where
reparing can be on the agenda. 
- some tools (disabsembling, solder, mutlimeters) internet. (no scopes,
jtag tools jet)

- getting parts from broken XO's that are send/brought.
- shipping costs by senders, receivers.

Online documentation registration:
- parts wanted/availble
- dissambeld / repaired XO


Scaling up:
Since there hardly XO in europe, it is rather quite now.
I see two models:

lowlevel (< 5 per cell) week:
- create more cells or get community space (University, Schools, ?)
- copy above model per town/neigbourhood
- train people in skills/knowlegde

doing > 20 XO a week 
create a student training program:
- helpdesk
- hardware debugging
- linux systems network administration

Spare parts

I am looking for:

  • screen for XO Marten 14:28, 13 March 2008 (EDT)
  • broken motherboard (wifi chip) Marten 14:29, 13 March 2008 (EDT)

I have:

Post parts that you have here.
