Story Jam New York/For participants

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Getting around

You'll want to get a subway pass; $2 a ride, $7.50 for a 1-day unlimited. Hopstop is a good way to find directions and times using public transport.

The streets of NYC are also swarming with taxis. They'll get you places, but subways are often just as fast (especially within Manhattan) and much cheaper. However, if you have a lot of luggage, you can't beat taxis as the way to go.


Staying in New York can be expensive. If you're coming in from out of town and don't have friends to stay with, some fellow Jammers may be able to lend you a couch - post to the list and ask for a place to stay. Other options include (please add if you know of places):

  • Hosteling International New York - Beds start at $29 per night. It's less than 40 minutes away from UNICEF headquarters, counting train and walking.
  • Mel lives at International House and can take one guest - an extra mattress is $10/night, I believe, so if you can cover that, I've got floorspace.


Food in New York is great, and can be cheap. Got favorite restaurants? List them here.

  • Good Burger - 800 2nd Ave. Good burgers, as the name implies.
  • Papaya king - 200 W. 14th St., various other locations throughout Manhattan. Hot dogs and tropical-type shakes; good for carnivores and lunch for under $5.