Grassroots bootcamp

Revision as of 04:04, 15 May 2008 by Mchua (talk | contribs)
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summer-of-content.svg Grassroots bootcamp

Cambridge, MA - OLPC headquarters (1cc)
June 9-13, 2008 (related activities June 7-15)

Schedule | Prerequisites | How to apply | For participants


We're having a grassroots bootcamp and conference from June 9-13, 2008 in Boston, MA. The default location is 1cc, OLPC's organizational headquarters; if the number of attendees outgrows that, we'll find an alternate location.

The objective of the bootcamp is to train grassroots group consultants - people who are starting or running their own grassroots groups who can also serve as resources to others who want to start grassroots groups.

There will be sessions for hacking (and learning how to hack) on different areas of the XO's stack and supporting software/infrastructure, discussions of our satellite communities around volunteering, learning, and sugar -- globally and in countries, and much more. Stay tuned.