Talk:Idea policy

Revision as of 19:56, 18 October 2006 by Duke (talk | contribs) (request general feedback re: how to use this wiki)
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idea policy

this is a neutral discussion to discover how general users of this wiki want ideas here to be suggested and specified.. if a purpose of this wiki is to solicit ideas which may help kids use the OLPC 2B1 to "learn learning".. is it doing its job? could it do its job any better? how?


pages related to twext were deleted by
an anonymous user, (who apparently 
rewrote this page as well)..

two questions for users of this wiki:

2. why be anonymous here? 

1. do users prefer pages on this wiki
to further explain new ideas that might
be useful to kids, OLPC and 2B1?
examples: chunk twexter mut

or do you prefer only links to external sites
as advocated by above anonymous user?
note: i'm not at all interested in having it my way here.. rather, i just want to learn how to be helpful.. thanks
opinion: is right that multiple pages may be too much and that spam surely is wrong.. on the other hand, how can the public feel safe to add ideas here? does authoritively speak for the OLPC team? One purpose of this wiki is to collect free ideas possibly useful to OLPC/kids, correct?
there are many empty requests on this wiki collecting relatively few ideas from the general public.. might some kinda idea policy encourage participation in this wiki, thus better collect free ideas? Duke 15:56, 18 October 2006 (EDT)