OLPC:News/2008/Week 26

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Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat +

^ Overview

Weekly updates : our summer interns have been filing weekly project updates, and GSoC interns are discussing their work on the gsoc mailing list and posting code and updates to code.google.com .

Calendar :

  • Saturday, Jun 28 : Open Jam @ the MIT Museum in Cambridge
  • July 17-19 : Wikimania 2008 in Alexandria

^ Overview

x Connections

opportunities, people, engagements

· Artefacts

projects, events, news, materials

= Fundament

status, deadlines, assumptions, processes

Weekly updates

  • Other mentored summer projects/internships :
    Rajan Vaish - Test Version Uploaded with Source Code ( Looking forward to receive an XO,to work on other issues with ease ).

+ Priorities

milestones, sequences, first and next

o Reflection

review, updates, analysis, feedback