WebJournal Project

Revision as of 20:12, 4 July 2008 by Robson (talk | contribs)
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The WebJournal project aims create a way to publish all contents stored in XO-Journal, in the web, using the DataStore Backup service for XO, and create a possibility to read, on Journal, comments made by parents and teachers over the WebJournal interface.

To accelerate the construction process, the WebJournal makes part of AMADIS - Learning Projects Environment, that consists in a web application to work with projects, and will soon be integrated with Sugar to promote project development by children.

Project objective

The main objective of the project is permits the web publication by children, without use the internet browsers to do it. The way to make this possible is using the XO backup structure, and build a web layer on the backup data.

For small children the publication and use of different tools for make that, is not trivial, and commonly generate a complications at the classrooms. Because, the teachers don't have a prepare to workaround with the unexpected situations related with technology.

However, if is possible build some mechanisms that permits anyone see and make some intervention on the children production, is a good stuff to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange.

WebJournal Workflow

The WebJournal doesn't have a complicated workflow, because is based on simple synchronization with the server. All datastore is sent to XS-Server and the WebJournal show them like Journal does. Besides, the web interface shows like a good way for the parents and teachers make comments, how a way to communicate with your children. Below is presented a little sketch that describe the WebJournal workflow since a new entry in the XO-Journal until the reply comments received by children.