Category:Hardware ideas

Revision as of 17:18, 8 July 2008 by (talk)
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Many people have suggested modifications to some part of the OLPC's hardware. Or they have suggested that some item or other should be added to the OLPC.

These pages contain various ideas for improvements or changes to the various hardware elements of the OLPC. This category could also point to pages about entirely new hardware accessories such as a USB-powered smoke signal generator, or an audio-controlled bullock cart.

You will find a link to the category page at the bottom of every page in this category.

OLPC would be an excellent way to make a huge and life-changing impact in the communities where it is distributed by adding fun educational programs regarding sanitation and hygiene. Lessons and games could be programmed into the computer to teach children how they can stay healthy and prevent disease. This would help make sure that the children lived long enough to enjoy the computers and put the knowledge they acquire to good use in their communities. Lifewater International is a non-profit organization which, among other aspects, produces educational programs for hygiene and sanitation in order to prevent the acquisition and spread of preventable water-related diseases. The website is, and please contact the organization if you are willing to help us give children a healthier future!