Documentation Projects

Revision as of 14:51, 24 July 2008 by Jackmoldave (talk | contribs)
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What Exists

There are many incomplete and somewhat obsolete manuals for the laptop:

Getting Started

  • Getting Started by Walter Bender

  • A editable word document version of Walter Bender's Getting Started Guide

Sugar Lab's version of Getting Started

  • Sugar labs current repository for the Getting started guide by Walter

FLOSS Manuals

  • FLOSS Manuals started in Word, moved to Google Docs, moved to Author-it, moved to Writing by college students, Todd Kelsey, Emily Kaplan, Anne Gentle, Adam Hyde, with much editing work from Kelly Holcomb; time-intense translation support on the copies by Micheal Cooper

Simplified User Guide

  • Simplified user guide same starting story as the FLOSS Manuals version, but an earlier version of the content at FLOSS manuals, with intentions of synching the two by using Floss Manual's API for inclusion of Floss version on the page

Support FAQ

Started by Support Gang, enhanced by Kate from Yale, see offspring:

Assorted Offspring

Competing FAQ's

Activity Handbook

  • Christoph and OLPC Austria created documentation for activity developers

Activity Handbook

Chapter One: Introduction to Sugar

Chapter One of Christoph's guide is an introduction to the Sugar Learning Environment.

Peruvian Guide

  • Peruvian Guide (actual book!)

Link Needed

Ciebal Manual / Guide (Uruguay)

  • Uruguayan Guide (actual book!)
  • "Ceibal in the society of the 21st century" (Uruguay) goes well beyond just-a-manual:

OLPC Learning Team's Deployment Guide

Nortel LearnIT's ~B2 Manual

XO Guide

History? If you know more about this please fill out this section

Demo Notes

Demo notes

Please fill in this section if you know about the Demo notes documentation

What is happening

  • Sugar Labs is working on creating documentation for Sugar. They are working with the current FLOSS manuals documentation team and are planning a content sprint in late August.
  • OLPC is interested in providing a first boot introduction documentation for XO users. With the upcoming G1G1 specifically in mind. This is being worked on by Seth on the OLPC side. There is a help activity by Marcos which uses Hulahop to display help content written in html.
  • There has also been talk on the OLPC side about implementing a help feature for activities. A help.html file would be required for activities.

Documentation in Upcoming Builds


The current build is 8.1.1 (probably 708 still being tested). The next release in the current stream is 8.1.2 (711). This will likely contain an activity that is a repackaging of the getting started guide. It won't run on first boot, and in worst case scenario will get shipped with G1G1.


The next release after that is 8.2.0. That is going to be based on the joyride UI. Also Fedora is rebased from Fedora 7 to Fedora 9. This will contain a on first boot help activity. The plan is for OLPC and Sugar Labs to work together on this documentation.