Space Tag
A long time ago, in a land far, far away, you got tagged. It was there those two words soaked into your mind, there to stay for the next 50 years or so. You're it. Relive your shameful childhood... in space, where no one can hear you cry.
Space Tag is being developed at Centenary College of Louisiana by Mark Goadrich and Nolan Baker.
What to expect...
Space Tag is a fast paced, action packed, playground thriller that's out of this world. Immerse yourself and a few of your buddies (after all, sharing is important) in an overhead pseudo 3D world filled with fuzzy physics.
The person who launches the game is IT, who must share the game with other players. To tag another player, you must touch them, i.e be near them in x, y, and z coordinates.
How to Play
You control your spaceship through the keyboard:
W = North S = South A = West D = East UpArrow = Shrink DnArrow = Grow
To Do
Handle Participant Drop Ordering of paint by z value Rework Pause (only IT can pause) Add gravity to IT Music Names under avatars