twext is twin text to help you to learn and teach language..
"twext" and "twexter" are trademarks of READ.FM
twexter is software that twexts text.. twexter helps you do three things:
break text into word groups or "chunks"
translate the chunks
style the chunk translation as twext
esto es una prueba de twext this is a test of twext queremos saber si este texto we want to know if this text se ve como el imagen debajo looks like the image below
above might look like below:
if not, no big deal.. but it may show text twexting predictably in fixed font monospace typeset like andale mono:
this makes it easier to input and edit twext:
space chunking
space chunk means you can define chunks with spaces, so twext translation is lots easier to edit.. we're starting to test space chunking here:
test in any language or dialect
xcroll still controls 2+ windows with one scrollbar.. xcroll is good for machine translation and human proofreading but space chunking is easier in single input window..
type twext
space chunking means you can just type twext:
si tecleas dos o mas espacios if you type two or more spaces twexter puede conocer la segmentación software can know the chunking
simple.. just add a space where you want to chunk, and add similar spaces in translation line below.. twexter now reads such input and saves:
si tecleas dos o mas espacios if you type two or more spaces twexter puede conocer la segmentación software can know the chunking
minimal styling makes it easier to see
queremos que sea super fácil we want it to be muy easy de twextear texto en donde sea to twext text anywhere
so you can now edit twext in a single text file:
and F2 toggle to xcroll (twin inputs)
- super chunk (vertical array, to autotranslate and proof)
- space chunk (text/twext side to side, for real fast input)
then back to just type twext in single input..
to test cursor must be active in twext edit, which you access by clicking "left" or "west" part of twext x icon in upper left of page
direct edit
soon you will be able to edit twext more directly
when twexter is really easier to use, then we can wixi (make twext work with wiki software)