User:Mchua/Weekly updates/2008-12-12

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  • Deployment tech support things from last week
    • check that there's nothing new from Rwanda, Ethiopia, or Afghanistan
    • RT23542 on getting Activity usage data
  • Tech-team meeting (2-3)
  • internal QA meeting (4-5)
    • write up notes for QA meeting (on train)
    • send out post-meeting notes for QA meeting
  • Set up Test cases 8.2.1 as a test plan for Eco/8.2.1
    • send out for review/comment
  • find (or email) SJ asking for direction on how to start helping with marketing (done: set up meeting Tuesday)


  • Check and update Test cases 8.2.1 from Eco/8.2.1
  • Deployment tech support things from last week
    • send out questions to Greg/Kim/Reuben on lease activation
    • spare parts ticket
    • XS setup ticket
    • ticket on what the process might look like for testing Lease Management between XS and XO in the beta of 9.1.
  • Roadmap gang draft comments for Greg Smith
  • community testing
    • follow up on Activity testing in Wellington
    • (if time) work on metrics/reporting tools
    • (if time) follow-up on XS and automation testing work that volunteers have started doing
  • Check outstanding items from last week
  • 8.2.1 testing
    • Check in with each developer on techteam re: 8.2.1 testing, or send the email I just sent to Michael to all of techteam.
    • Make sure there are final test cases or plans for such for all tickets in Test cases 8.2.1 before Thursday's CTest mtg
  • Meeting with SJ on IRC (9pm) to find out what help he wants from me for marketing


  • Learning Team / Tech Team meeting (10-11)
  • Talk with Kim about priorities (11-11:30)
  • Meeting with Simon and Marco about the Sugar Labs Bugsquad: objective is to plan for a smooth transition of Activity testing to upstream after Dec. 25 (11:30-12:30)
  • 9.1. roadmap meeting (2-3)
