Deployment meetings

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These meetings are weekly meetups between people running and supporting OLPC deployments. The content is expected to be a combination of technical, strategic, project management, training consideration, support and other aspects related to OLPC deployments. Deployers are encouraged to read and update the Deployment_Guide so others can learn from your lessons. Outcomes from Deployment meetups will be recorded here and communicated to the OLPC developer community and Support Gang. Meetings will be by IRC so people can script, record, and easily translate the meetings. A face to face component may be introduced in future. There are two meetups a week to facilitate the different timezones.

Meetings are coordinated and chaired by Pia Waugh <>.

Meetings will commence January 20th 2009. Details below:

  • Place: - on channel #olpc-deployment
  • If you are not used to using an IRC client (like xchat) then you can easily join the meeting using a web client like To use Mibbit, simply change the server (next to "IRC:") to "Freenode", type into "Nick" the name you want to be seen by others as (such as Pia) and type into "Channel" the word #olpc-deployment making sure you include the hash (#) at the front of the word. Then click "Go" and you'll get a screen where the meeting will be happening in text. Feel free to jump in, ask questions, introduce yourself. Please try to follow along with the agenda.
  • Every Tuesday at 1500 Boston time (Tuesday 2000 UTC time) & every Wednesday at 0300 Boston time (Wednesday 0800 UTC time)

Running Agenda

Please add items you'd like to specifically discuss. Below is an initial running agenda:

  • Introductions
  • Support for deployments - ideas and options for collaborative approach
  • General deployment Q&A - ask any burning questions you have for your deployments
    • I'd like to hear peoples deployment experiences on (1) using WDS (rather than ethernet backbone) to make wireless available over a whole school, and (2) deployment experiences with school servers in schools with 100/200+ children - does it work OK? What is the user experience like? -DanielDrake (Paraguayan deployment)
  • Deployment Wishlist update - the wishlist is where deployers note the things we need to make successful deployments

Meeting Notes

All meetups will be recorded here.