Deployment FAQ

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We're going to put a FAQ here, a la Support FAQ.

Please start by extracting questions and answers from the minutes linked to from the bottom of Deployment meetings. Insert your FAQ into the appropriate heading (or create a new heading) and ensure that you put your answers as briefly as possible, most likely linking off to another location (such as the Deployment Guide).


Where else can I learn about Deployments?

If you are planning a deployment, there are several useful resources available to you. Firstly the Deployment Guide will have some great information, the deprecated Change the World FAQ, information from other deployments may be available from the Deployments page. There is a Deployment meetings weekly deployment meeting (at two different times) where you can talk to people in other deployments from all around the world for peer support and information. There is also a mailing list called grassroots and another one for support called Support Gang.

Also, check this FAQ regularly, as it is updated on a weekly basis based on the experiences from around the world.

Ask quick questions anytime over Live Chat here: -- please give volunteers a few minutes to respond! You might also try to email volunteers for Support:

Finally, volunteering is the best way to meet real people in the OLPC/Sugar deployment community! Please look over both:

Can I volunteer for a Deployment?

OLPC offers student Internships in Peru and Uruguay -- if you are proficient in Spanish, please apply by March 8, 2009. There are also Deployments happening all around the world so get in contact with a project and volunteer :)

Preparing XO deployments

How do I automate the imaging of large numbers of XO laptops?

There are several options:

  • NANDBlaster for doing multicast rollouts over the network


Where can I find content to deploy on the XO/XS?



How do I scale my XO laptop deployment?