Welcome to the pages where we develop and unlock the Low Carbon Economy Potential or "CO2e-Certificates" or "Kyoto Protocol"-Potential of the One Laptop Per Child - alias 100$ Laptop - Universal Education Initiative, in which the United Nations is a partner - and its spin-outs.
We come in from OLPCO2e link Agenda 21 - the Plan of Action to help Humanity make it beyond the year 2100 with as many as possible, Section IV: Means of Implementation / Bringing money from the Low Carbon Economy transition to the citizen/consumer/your organization.
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Be Excellent ! Talk about OLPC and OLPCO2e.org; you will be inspiring people around you ... inspiration brings admiration, brings kinship ... we go for Universal Education - UN Millennium Development Goal nr2. - and nothing less.
On behalf of many, looking forward collaborating, interacting, responding to your input and taking this further ... :)
- 1. A physical representation of an OLPCO2e CO2e-Certificate
- 2. No money for MDG nr.2? Then think outside the box...
- 3. The history of Money and its relation to the history of OLPC and OLPCO2e
- 4. www.AfricaCO2.org - Low Carbon Economy-/Kyoto Protocol Consultants and Leadership Developers and representing OLPCO2e.org in the countries where they are active and report activity on OLPCO2e. A.o. Rwanda, Burundi. For more info, please consult them directly.
- 5. - EU Federation managers of Agenda 21/ISO16000/EMAS auditors, leadership developers and coaches for the Educational and Not for Profit sector
- 6. OLPCO2e link Agenda 21
More info ? Visit:
1. OLPC: http://www.laptop.org 2. OLPC Wiki: http://wiki.laptop.org 3. OLPCO2e: http://www.olpco2e.org = http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPCO2e 4. OLPCO2e Virtual/Wiki Office: http://sites.google.com/site/olpco2e/ 5. OLPCO2e Discussion Group: http://groups.google.be/group/olpco2e 6. OLPCO2e - Team Private: http://sites.google.com/site/olpco2eteamprivate/Home (Only for staff & Kernel Team) 7. Google Calendar: look for the OLPC and OLPCO2e Calendars 8. OLPC TV-channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/OLPCFoundation 9. OLPC-TV: http://olpc.tv/ 10. OLPC on TED-TV: http://www.ted.com 11. olpcnews.com: Objective & Critical News over OLPC, makes every OLPC Board Member, Staff & Ambassador shiver ! 12. IRC: OLPC (=Instant Relay Chat.
Just google IRC if you're not familiar with it... it's brilliant if you want to talk to people here and now, instantly, that are familiar with OLPC, or OLPC Staff. There's people from every continent=Time Zone, so, you can talk instantly to OLPC-people 24/24 - 7/7 - 365 days/year)
14. Skype: SvenAERTS or Brussels Office: +32 2 6553829 / www.olpceu.org = OLPC-Europe / eu_info at laptop.org
Suggested links:
How to participate / collaborate / help / make money in OLPCO2e ?
Frequently Asked Questions OLPCO2e
Vocabulary Terminology Explained OLPCO2e
A physical representation of an OLPCO2e CO2e-Certificate
www.AfricaCO2.org - Low Carbon Economy-/Kyoto Protocol Consultants and Leadership Developers