NEXO/NEXS/NEXC development

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NEXO development

Most NEXO development tasks can be grouped under 2 categories:

  1. Activity updates (or addition of new activities): this process is documented at NEXO activity updating
  2. Tweaks on top of underlying OLPC OS through pilgrim at /home/pilgrim: the internals are documented at NEXO build system

Before making any change, you should have fully tested it on an individual XO. At this point, you can make the change on the pilgrim box ( as the pilgrim user. If your change involved changing anything under the pilgrim repository, please make sure to commit and push your changes.

Your change is now ready for inclusion in the next NEXO build, but there is one last step: Update NEXO release notes with your change. If you need to, create a new entry at the top of the page labelled simply "Unreleased development version" or similar (otherwise, append to the development entry that already exists). When released, the build master will assign an appropriate version number and release date and send the list of changes to the team.

After a new NEXS release has been deemed deployment-ready, update the NEXO page to state that this is the most recent stable release.