Revision as of 11:05, 1 January 2010 by SvenAERTS (talk | contribs)
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  This page is obsolete, or refers to an old proposal.

OLPCO2e was a project and plan of action proposed by Sven Aerts along the plan of action Agenda 21-Chapter IV and MDG nr.2, to somehow define the Low Carbon Economy-potential and more in particular the CO2e-certificates'potential that could be monetized by investing in green, environmentally friendly laptops such as the XO, rather than traditional power-hungry machines. The proposed project got as far as registering a domain at OLPCO2e.org (which redirects to this page) and setting up a few administrative pages. The project as a whole did not proceed after Sven left OLPC in mid-2009 after the initiative was not pursued by OLPC Europe.

Some highlights of the proposed but deprecated idea:

OLPCO2e as discussed internally in OLPC was preferably to be an entity completely dissociated from OLPC. It has been developed as such and on all communication this is clearly stated. More:

Sites and groups not controlled by OLPC:

  • Separate sites have been set up as an OLPCO2e Virtual/Wiki Office (on a different wiki, closed to editing), a Discussion Group, and a private "Staff & Kernel Team" wiki. The Kernel team is to initiatiate a plan of Action and safe environment for the initiative to foster.
  • Aside from perhaps Giulia D'Amico, no OLPC staff have access to those external sites, and no editors of this wiki other than Giulia and Sven. OLPC have no control over their content... even less than over any page on this wiki :-). --Sj talk
    Sven comments: Certain people of the OLPC - open and free initiative do have access to the restricted staff-only olpco2e-wiki. The restricted staff-only OLPCO2e-wiki in this is no different from the restricted spaces reserved to OLPC staff, &c --Sven
    OLPC doesn't have any restricted wikis where active projects are developed. As far as I know (please correct me if I am wrong), OLPC as an organization isn't involved with an OLPCO2e project, and no updates have been posted here about it since it was abandoned in April. Using that name for a project that isn't related to OLPC seems misleading. --Sj talk
    OLPC has restricited wikis and places where strategical information is kept. E.g. the "Leads and customer management follow-up database." Contact OLPC-Europe for more info on this.--SvenAERTS 14:42, 1 January 2010 (UTC)
    It must be 100% clear to contributors to both OLPC and OLPCO2e.org that OLPCO2e.org works 100% independently and to support and unlock the "Kyoto Protocol"/Low Carbon Economy potential of and for OLPC, other than that there is NO link, certainly no legal link between OLPC and OLPCO2e or vise versa. There is NO legal link between OLPC and OLPCO2e.org, just as Youtube and BestOfYoutube have NOTHING to do with one another. --SvenAERTS 14:42, 1 January 2010 (UTC)
  • The OLPCO2e-entity's sole purpose was to mobilize funds from the "Fossile Based Economy" and "Low Carbon Economy" to OLPC, by unlocking OLPC's "CO2e-Potential"/"CO2e-Certificate Potential"/"Low Carbon Economy Potential"/"Agenda 21" Potential. In this perspective the name of OLPCO2e was proposed. As the foundations were developed it became clear it would be preferable to develop OLPCO2e as a separate entity from OLPC. --SvenAERTS 13:22, 1 January 2010 (UTC)

See also

Pages never created:

Brainstorming OLPCO2e
Plan of Action OLPCO2e
Prioritize OLPCO2e
Feasibility Study OLPCO2e
Business Plan OLPCO2e
Frequently Asked Questions OLPCO2e
Vocabulary Terminology Explained OLPCO2e
The history of Money and its relation to the history of OLPC and OLPCO2e