
Revision as of 20:26, 26 January 2010 by Sj (talk | contribs) (order)
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Welcome to the OLPC newsroom, where news is revised for inclusion in future newsletters. Please submit story ideas or sign up to help out with one of the beats below.


Regular beats:

  • Documentary work - videos, journals, and storytelling from children, families, teachers, and visitors in the field
  • Country updates - the latest news about Mexico, Argentina, Brasil, Ghana, Nepal, and all the other active OLPC countries.
  • Hardware - someone to nudge Richard, Wad, Ed and others to release images and give short talks on camera about the latest and greatest
  • Software - notes about Sugar, Xugar, SOAS, and F11 on 1.5
  • Content - new great collections and activities, digital books, and Stevia updates
  • Community - local meetups and efforts across chapters and regions
  • Projects - new Projects and Contributors efforts

Regular updates

Updates from various parts of the OLPC community are always welcome! If you are working on a local project, a global barnraising, campus advocacy or school coordination, please let us know how you are doing.

These updates will be filtered into regular compilations like the visual newsletter, and will help us design public announcements and prioritize campaigns. If you have a longer story to share, you are welcome to draft it here and post it as a guest contributor on the OLPC blog. More technical or info-geeky detail than would go out in the newsletter is well loved by those who have been in the trenches.

Older examples


  • from the wiki - OLPC India event, with names & photos: Events/HBC-DBF, December 2009
  • Nicholas spoke at UCLA on Nov # for the 40th Anniversary of the Internet.
  • Adam spoke about OLPC at Fedora meetings in Toronto.
  • The Bigenho clan is preparing for an XO roadshow at an educators conf in [name your state]
  • SJ presented in Paris in Nov on the need for simple, localized multimedia-publishing tools for educators

Engineering: input from Ed & Wad on the 1.5 bringup.

Public talks: Slides and responses from events and meetups

Press mentions

  • NYT Arts section
  • HuffPost blog
  • Xconomy article on future XO models, and the hot OLPC France recap based on same

Current news outlets

Sources :