EKindling/Projects/Remote Pilot Deployment in Lubang

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OLPC Philippines grassroots group

Remote Pilot Deployment:

Lubang,Occidental Mindoro,Philippines

eKindling is collaborating with OLPC Friends and OLPC-NZ(New Zealand) in bringing the first remote school Pilot in the Philippines. This will be made possible through the generous fund raising and contributions by current and former National Computer Center employees with the leadership of Meg Simpson. The goal is to deploy 100 laptops to 4 classrooms in the school.

eKindling and OLPC Educational Project

  • Result of the first Lubang meeting
    • Lubang Educational Project: [1]

School Profile

Lubang Integrated School

  • Information on Lubang: [2]
  • Location: Barangay Araw at Bituin Lubang, Philippines
  • Total Number of Students in the School: 603
  • Number of Students who will participate in the program: 93
  • Number of Teachers participating: 7
  • Number of computers in the classroom: 2
  • Internet Connection: Wired, Broadband
  • Accessibility of the School from Metro Manila: 30mins. by Plane, 7 hours by ship

<googlemap lat="13.854143" lon="120.108504" type="normal" zoom="13"> 13.865, 120.108504 Bituin Lubang, Philippines please zoom out to see location better </googlemap>

Collaborating Members and Institutions (pls. add additional information)

  • Ryan Letada: eKindling, Philippines
  • Harvy Viray: University of the Philippines
  • Tessa Yuvienco: Headway School
  • Joel Yuvienco: Miriam College, Asian University Digital Resource Network
  • Mitch Seaton: OLPC Friends (Sydney, Australia)
  • OLPC-New Zealand
  • Cherry Withers: Squeakland/eKindling, USA
  • Meg Simpson: Representative of current and former employees of the National Computer Center.
  • Col. Sanchez: Mayor of Lubang
  • Marife Mago: eKindling, OLPC-NYC, USA

Project Checklist

  • Initial Deployment Checklist: Done by Mitch Seaton, Meg Simpson & Col. Sanchez. Date: 8/26/2009
  • Lubang Consultation Visit: Ryan Letada, Tessa Yuvienco & Harvy Viray. Date: 11/24/2009-11/26/2009
  • Curriculum Integration Development and Moodle Set-up
  • Teacher Training Program

5-day Teacher Training Schedule


1st Day Morning Class A (Teachers as participants, Instructor: Tessa Yuvienco) Estimated Time: 2 hours

I. Discover A. Welcome Participants B. History/Background of Project (Video) C. Facilitators and Participants Introduction D. Leveling/Setting of expectations (K-W-L worksheet) E. Overview of the course and its framework F. Formulation/Negotiation of Realistic/Achievable Goals

II. Disclose

  * Participant's Inventory of Learning Styles
  * Show-and-Tell of Students' Learning Styles and Teaching Methodologies
  * Revisit of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
  * Focus on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Class B (Hardware Support Team & Children, Instructor: Cherry Withers)

  * NAND Blasting to update the Sugar Firmware
  * Running of Diagnostics
  * Dis-assembly/Assembly of an XO 1.0
  * Hardware Comparison of XO 1.0 and XO 1.5
  * Wifi Trouble Shooting

Afternoon Participants: Everyone Instructor: Cherry Withers

a) Hardware Introduction

   * Opening, closing, “ears”
   * eBook format
   * Starting / shut down
   * Screen rotate
   * Volume and Brightness
   * Trouble shooting Restarting if in difficulty
   * Hard (forced) reboots
   * Going in/out of sleep mode
   * Charging and battery monitoring
   * Basic Troubleshooting: jumpy cursor, power issues

b) Sugar Environment Introduction

   * The 4 Views of the Frame
   * Different Views of Activities
   * Customizing via the Control Panel
   * Functions
   * Sharing
   * Inviting
   * Intro to the Journal
   * Help activity

c) How to reinstall the laptop operating system and activities with a prepared flash drive 2nd Day Morning

   * Finding and connecting to access points
   * Checking connection status via Frame view
   * Starting and coordinating a shared activity
   * Joining a shared activity: Use Chat
   * Inviting someone


   * Copying files to/from Journal with flash drive
   * Awareness of memory, checking memory usage
   * Renaming and deleting files in journal
   * Using Public Internet: cautionary use, what is open source
   * Accessing the OLPC wiki laptop activities
   * and collections pages from Browse

3rd Day (Activities and Curriculum Integration) Instructor: Cherry Withers Morning

   * Speak
   * Paint
   * Measure
   * Chat
   * Memorize
  1.  built-in games
  2.  building games
   * Stopwatch, Ruler
   * Clockgame
   * TamTamMini (maybe)
   * Calculate
   * Poll
   * Record: 
  1. Take a video introduction, name the video
  2. Take "All about Me" photos, name each file
   * Write
  1. Incorporate the photos taken from the Record Activity
  2. Writing text, Editing Text
  3. Shared Editing (Illustrate group collaboration on editing)


   * Finding and downloading other activities

4th Day Morning

   * Introduction to Etoys
         o - Saving and Opening projects
         o - Paint Tool
         o - Book: Inserting Pictures, Inserting pages and text
   * Accessing projects by other people and running the projects

Afternoon Instructor: Hamilton Chua

  1. Introduction to the XS. What is it ? How does it help you ?
         * Central storage
         * Collaboration
         * Management
  2. Registering your XO Laptop
         * how to register an xo
         * logging in
         * troubleshooting registration
  3. Your Moodle Profile page
         * Filling up profile information
         * Backup Tab, briefly describe how backups work

5th Day Instructor: Hamilton Chua

  1. Understanding Roles
  2. Customizing a course
         * adding resources
         * adding activities
         * customize aspects of the course
  3. Grouping Students
  4. Adding a lesson
  5. Adding an exam Restoring from a backup
  6. When a laptop gets lost
         * where's the data ?
         * restoring into a new laptop
         * linking users

Donors List