Una enciclopedia por niño

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Una enciclopedia por niño en inglés simple

Palabras clave



El proposito de esta página es iniciar la rápida generación de contenidos de calidad para los usuarios iniciales de OLPC, un portátil por niño. Muchos escolares descubren por primera vez lo que es una enciclopedia en esta fase temprana. La enciclopedia les proporicionará un buen punto de partida en sus vidas. Que más útil que una enciclopedia hipertextual que se hace en el país autoctono del niño.

Punto de vista a tomar

Una primera aproximación es el desarrollo de contenidos que se decidan como entradas apropiadas (encabezados) y encontrar artículos susceptibles para su inclusión. Después se puede realizar una aproximación más detallada a través de la categorización de todo

A bottom-up approach is to content development is to decide the appropriate entries (headings) and to find suitable articles for inclusion. A top-down approach would categorise all of the suitable and desireable knowledge into a tree of knowledge, Dewey or Library of Congress style. We believe that the bottom-up approach is more pragmatic, and that a top-down approach can follow.

Puntos matizables

A proof-of-concept protype has been built and has shown that the OEPC can just fit on the OLPC.


By merging the entry headings from suitable printed encyclopedias, and omitting obsolete or non neutral-point-of-view entries, the alphabetical index to the OEPC is quickly created. Then using these entry headings to pull in articles from the Simple English Wikipedia, the OEPC is rapidly built. When no suitable entry exists in the Simple English version, the article is retrieved instead from the Full English Wikipedia, and marked in bold to indicate that it is advanced material.


This article is only concerned with the English Content. The English version is the prototype. Spanish and other languages can certainly follow suit. Updates are possible at a school linked to the Web. Also the OEPC can be flushed out of the flash memory when the memory is required for other purposes, and reloaded at a school connected to the Web.


The OLPC can be made into the OEPC.


Volunteers are required to extend the prototype into a full OEPC, ready for downloading to the OLPC.


One Encyclopedia Per Child is arguably the most important content that can be pre-loaded on the One Laptop Per Child.

Enlaces (en varios wikis)

  • Hardware: wiki.laptop.org/wiki/Hardware_specification [[1]]
  • Software task list: wiki.laptop.org/wiki/OLPC_software_task_list[[2]]
  • OEPC prototype: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:One_Encyclopedia_Per_Child [[3]]
  • OEPC Project Proposal: meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_new_projects#

One_Encyclopedia_Per_Child_mainly_in_Simple_English [[4]]