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Help kids everywhere map Their world!

Attend olpcMAP JAMs!

Southern California on Feb 21st 4PM EST & Feb 28th 10PM EST (PDF slides)

eKindling and the Philippines on Sunday March 6th 9PM EST incl Red XO Trivia Contest! (PDF slides)

OLPC France Saturday March 12th, 12 Noon EST (PDF slides)

Gabon & French/West Africa on Friday, March 18

Ghana's OLPC Library by Princeton Engineers Without Borders, Apr 2

How to CREATE+MAP yr own OLPC/Sugar Volunteer Experience Apr 13 7:30pm, Cambridge MA

OLPC Austria & OLPC Deutschland on Apr 17

SugarLabs DC & OLPC Learning Club on Apr 23?

Kenya's Grassroots Education Communities mid-May

More coming! E-mail below or click EDIT above!

Add Local Projects to the Map!

NEW PDF Tutorial (with Screenflow Animation)


To add a marker

  • Use the search and Google Maps to find your location
  • Click Join the Map Network on the top toolbar
  • Click and drag the marker into place
  • Type in your e-mail, then click Plant Marker
  • Go through editor pages to set information, icon, and photo
  • At any point, click Save Edits

To edit markers

  • Use the search to find the place or marker that you'll edit
  • Click marker
  • On the top of the info window, click Edit
  • Go through editor pages to set information, icon, and photo
  • At any point, click Save Edits

Map Editing FAQ

Troubleshooting : click Contact to write to the community curators (beautify@olpcMAP.net)

Whose e-mail should I provide on the map?

E-mails should go to a volunteer or coordinator who can answer or forward questions about the project. If a volunteer writes and says "That's awesome; I'd like to volunteer there!" the coordinator is someone who can help them along.

How private is my e-mail?

Your e-mail address is kept in our database so we can process and forward mail from the Contact form. This hides your e-mail from users of our page and spinoff maps.

If you prefer to have a link to your organization's website or contact page, let us know through the main Contact form.

Open Community Architecture

In a democracy, we are each others' infrastructure. Our geo-social fabric takes inspiration from:

  • Dialogue between public and private community spaces


  • Good Faith Collaboration = people who share a passion to learn, by interacting regularly, and conscientiously


  • Creativity = allowing yourself to make mistakes
  • ART = knowing which ones to keep
  • 1 Billion children who are tired of waiting!

Open Source Effort

olpcMAP is written in Python and is hosted on Google App Engine

The code is fully open-source at http://code.google.com/p/olpc-map-net ; it can be run on open-source platforms such as TyphoonAE and AppScale.

Add issues or tackle problems listed at http://code.google.com/p/olpc-map-net/issues/list

API: Integrate maps into other sites & community services

Evolving here: OlpcMAP/data-api

Join our olpcMAPmakers mailing list!

Become a Map Maker, if you enjoy curatorial gardening of any kind! Please join and help cultivate our public discussion list -- just send email to:


Archives are here:


To Do

Some of THE most important spatial media we need to welcome, are our established geo-communities:

 http://www.openwijs.nl/referenties/olpc 12 Dutch-originated microdeployments, on 3 continents?
 http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Deployments (already completed? move to "Inspiration" section below if so!)
 Actual "landmark" stickers on paper/laminate map at the Kleiders' house, from http://olpcSF.org/summit 2010!
 http://www.widernet.org/egranary/ (eGranary Digital Libraries AKA "The Internet in a Box" w/ 14 million docs each?)
 eg. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=110300756731284107900.00046b13c0e8e5f0f820a
 geolocating-on-map forward-looking OLPC News stories, http://blog.laptop.org stories, http://planet.laptop.org blogs, and insightful Country Backgrounders etc!
 geolocating-on-map more of our global movement exceptional individual volunteers, reaching out to those who've asked for such via volunteer@laptop.org (etc) over the past 3 years
 http://www.re-public.gr/en/olpc/ Greece deployment(s) (http://blog.laptop.org/2010/03/30/olpc-greece-28-participating-schools/)

EG. What attractive iconography best represents your own local community's best efforts??

 http://EscueLab.org  (Lima, Peru)
 http://olpcLearningClub.org  (Washington DC, possible icon 1, larger 427 × 306 pixel JPEG)
 http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Southern_California_OLPC_Projects  (incl Google Map of local prjcts!)
 http://olpc.at  (OLPC Austria)
 (Uruguay's many strong groups have brilliant logos already; showcase these on our main page to spark others??)

Inspiration maps & feeds

A Million Thanks go to these groups whose community feeds we're already tapping:

 http://laptop.org/map/ (500+ kids/XOs)
 http://bit.ly/c20CRz (OLPCorps Africa, 2009)
 http://www.olpccanada.com/content.php?id=17 / http://www.olpccanada.com/doc/OLPC_Canada_Schools_Map.pdf

Please write us if you have/want ideas for more dynamically illustrating the Human Vibrancy of your community, its teachers and its children!

How Maps Inspire REAL (Outdoor) Learning

Global MAP making SPRINT: Dec 27-31, 2010 in Boston

Archived at OlpcMAP/2010Sprint

OLPC/Sugar Weekly Map Jams!

See above, as we explore the deep lessons arising from a new country or community deployment every week!

Sample Curriculum Ideas

Modern Treasure Hunts for the Whole Family (NY Times, 10 Dec 2010)

Using GPS and Geocaching Engages, Empowers, and Enlightens Middle School Teachers and Students

Are We There Yet?

OlpcMAP/Trivia Contest

Ekindling/OlpcMAP_eKindling'sTrivia Philippines Trivia Contest


http://twitter.com/olpcMAP (beginning slowly, Tweeters needed :)

Best blogs so far:

Dynamic newsletter/blog anticipated...contact Marina if you enjoy communications & can help!

Or help in any other way, even if just asking us for newsletter or fun/regional updates emailed occasionally :)