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OLPC maintains a variant of the Fedora Linux distribution. Many developers, over the course of their careers developing for the XO, develop a need to package software for the XO, either because they wish to fix a bug in software contained in an existing package or because they wish to contribute new software (other than activities) to the system. We do this through packaging the software in the upstream Fedora community, a process which this page aims to introduce.


autores previos
son las personas que liberan las fuentes de codigo para el consumo del mantenedor de paquetes y quien acepta o rechaza los parches por individuos interezados
mantenedores de paquetes
are people who accept source code releases from upstream authors and who combine that source code with packaging instructions in order to produce software empaquetados
package maintainers are also responsible for contributing patches to upstream authors that fix bugs or that make the upstream software inter-operate more smoothly with other software
Frequently in OLPC, package maintainers and upstream authors are the same person.
lanzamientos de fuentes
are typically tarballs of source code that have been permanently published at a fixed URL, along with validation data such as MD5sums or the author's public key and a digital signature.
(it's important for many reasons that source code be permanently accessible for all packages. Please make sure that yours is.)
empaquetando instrucciones
consiste en un archvio '.spec' y zero o mas parches al lanzamiento de fuentes.
empaquetando codigo fuente
es el 'objeto fuente' de las distribuciones de software de forma que los archivos '.c' y '.h' son las unidades de codigo fuente para construir objetos binarios en C.
empaquetando software
es el 'objeto binario' de una distribuci[on de software muy similar a archivos '.o' son objetos binarios ligados entre ellos para producir un binario C

Lectura externa

Aqui una coleccion de vinculos que me han ayudado a aprender el mantenimiento de paquetes Fedora para OLPC:

Procedimientos de Fedora

Tips de RPM

Creando o modificando RPMS

Infraestructura Fedora

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