Help Activity refresh/Chapter/Exiting Activities

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Exiting Activities

To Exit an Activity, use the touchpad or a mouse to move to and click the close box on the right corner of the Frame.

Close Button

Some activities will not show the close button unless you are in the "View" section (look at the top of the window for a "Tab" with the word "View". There are some older applications that close with a "File" menu by selecting "Exit".

After selecting to close the activity, an information box will pop up. Here you can enter in a "name" for what you have been doing, which will appear in the Journal entry for this Activity and make it easier to remember what you did. You can also use the Description box to record notes to yourself about the work you did. If you enter "Tags" information, it will categorize your work.

To Exit an Activity using a keyboard shortcut, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then press the X key.