OLPC Germany
2007 status: yellow | ||||
yellow | ||||
Gegenwärtiger Status: Gelb |
This page needs an update, to better reflect the developments in Germany. If you understand German, see http://www.olpc-deutschland.de/ in the meanwhile.
Germany is a country located in Western Europe with a population of 82 million people. The official language is German, however, there are minor parts in which other languages are spoken (Danish, Sorbic, Platt). As a result of immigration, languages such as Turkish, Arabic, Italian etc are spoken by parts of its population.
The GDP per capita is around $30.000. Over 99% of those of age 15 and above are estimated to be able to read and write. In 2004, 4.435 million people in Germany were under the age of 6, 7.489 million between 6 and 15. By OECD standards, 13.5 per cent of the population has to be considered poor. Germany is on place 20 of the Human Development Index. School education is not a responsibility of the federal government, but is organized by the federal states (Bundeslaender).
All these things considered, Germany is not a candidate for the first round of OLPC distribution to children. See the OLPC FAQ for details.
However, people living in Germany can take part in this project by almost every thinkable means. This includes software and hardware development (especially ebook reader), creating content, promotion etc.
Ziele von OLPC Germany
- OLPC in Deutschland thematisieren / Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Anlaufstelle für Interessierte (Schwerpunkt Deutschland) schaffen
- Projekte unterstützen und initiieren (Pilots, developernetwork, sowas wie das Jericho Projekt, etc)
- Zusammenarbeit auf internationaler Ebene mit OLPC Europe und olpc-grassroots
Getting involved
- With IRC via #olpc-de (german language), #olpc-groups and #olpc-europe on freenode.net
- Via the olpc-germany mailing list
- three students from the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences have created the "Initiative OLPC Deutschland". It is meant to be an information- and communication platform to focus existent interest for the OLPC in Germany.
- Get involved in translating. german translation stats, translation howtos
IRC meetings
- see http://meetbot.debian.net/meetbot/olpc-de.20080107_1602.html
- see http://meetbot.debian.net/meetbot/olpc-de.20080115_1607.html
- Nächstes Treffen: http://wiki.olpc-deutschland.de/Meetings
Wir Treffen uns regelmäßig dienstags (allerdings nicht jede Woche) 19.00 im IRC Chat.
Bei http://www.mibbit.com/ kann man sich direkt online anmelden, man braucht nichts zu installieren.
- Server: freenode.net
- Chanel: #olpc-de
- Nickname: <beliebieg>
Here we list members of OLPC Deutschland until we have different means to do so.
- Bert Freudenberg (Magdeburg)
- Chris Hager (OLPC Austria)
- Christoph Derndorfer (OLPC Austria)
- Felix Fietkau, OpenWrt Hamburg
- Gregor Martynus, Darmstadt/Frankfurt
- Holger Levsen, Hamburg
- Jens Denger, Darmstadt/Heidelberg
- Jens Muecke, OpenWrt Hamburg
- John Crispin, OpenWrt Hamburg
- Joko Keuschnig, Berlin
- Marco Rauschenbach, Darmstadt
- Michael Reschke, Köln
- Sebastian Umlauft, Hamburg
- Daniel H. Ottersbach, Duisburg/Essen/Köln/Wuppertal
- Martin Jess, Halle(Saale)
- Rudolf Simon, Stuttgart