Oprofile setup
Setting Up OProfile to Run on OLPC Laptop
It is possible to get oprofile in timer mode working on the olpc machine. Performance monitoring hardware on Geode process is not supported.
Host machine Steps
1) Download the appropriate kernel srpm from:
2) Install srpm on src machine:
rpm -Uvh kernel-2.6.21-20070312.1.olpc.3eca75102a57502.src.rpm
2a) Edit SOURCES/kernel-olpc-custom.config changing CONFIG_OPROFILE to:
3) Start the build in the SPECS directory rebuild the kernel with command similar to:
rpmbuild -ba --define "dist olpc1p" --define "olpc 1" \ --define "head 3eca75102a57502" --target=i586 \ ./olpc-2.6.spec >& olpc_kernel.problems &
4) Copy over kernel i586 rpm to olpc machine.
5) Copy BUILD/kernel-2.6.21/linux-2.6.21.i586/vmlinux to the olpc machine. This is only needed if one wants data on where samples are taken in the kernel.
OLPC Machine Steps
After completing the steps to get a oprofile working kernel on the olpc machine:
1) Install binutils on olpc machine:
yum install binutils
2) Install oprofile on olpc machine:
yum install oprofile
3) Install the new oprofile enabled kernel:
rpm -Uvh kernel-2.6.21-20070318.olpc1p.3eca75102a57502.i586.rpm
4) Reboot the olpc machine. When it reboots it will be running the oprofile enabled kernel
5) As root configure OProfile to collect data:
opcontrol --setup --vmlinux=/root/vmlinux --separate=library
If you do not care about kernel data, you can skip installing vmlinux and configure with:
opcontrol --setup --no-vmlinux --separate=library
6) As root start oprofile running with:
opcontrol --start
7) Do desired experiment to collect data
8) As root shutdown OProfile with:
opcontrol --shutdown
9) Look at the data with the "opreport" command.