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노트북 뉴스
1. OLPC “Game Jam”— OLPC 플랫폼 (XO)를 위한 오픈소스 게임 개발을 고무하는 게임 디자인과 프로그래밍 이벤트가 다음 주말 Olin College에서 열립니다. 일련의 게임 개발자들이 모여서 3일 간에 걸쳐, 가능한 많은 혁신적인 게임들을 개발할 것입니다. "우리의 목표는 XO를 위한 대단한 게임과 실험만이 아니라, 이 프로젝트의 고유한 제약과 산출물을 내년 GDC Experimental Gameplay Workshop에 가져가는 것입니다” 코드는 GNU General Public License에 따라 SourceForge에서 배포되어, 모든 사람들이 자유롭게 소스와 게임을 실험해 볼 수 있을 것입니다.
2. 기계적/ID: XO의 기계적 디자인이 완성되었습니다. 주요한 최종 아이템 - 고무/플라스틱 토끼 귀 -는 4월 4일 승인되었습니다. 코어 팀이 이 마일 스톤을 책임집니다: Frank Lee and Victor Chau of Quanta, Yves Behar 및 Bret Recor of Fuse, Jacques Gagne of Gecko, 그리고 Mary Lou Jepsen of OLPC. 이것은 지난 2년 간에 걸친 ID외 기계적 요소에 대한 누적된 연구의 결과입니다. ID/ME 부분에 공헌해 주신 분들은 다음 분들에게 다시 한 번 사의를 표합니다. Quanta: Ben Chuang, Johnson Huang, Sam Chang, Alex Chu, and Roger Huang Fuse Project: Mitch Pergola and Martin Schnitzer Design Continuum: Kenneth Jewell and Kevin Young MIT Media Lab: Ted Selker ChiLin: Albert Hsu, HT Chen and Scott Soong OLPC: Nicholas Negroponte, Rebecca Allen, Mark Foster, Walter Bender, and Michail Bletsas
3. 시스템 소프트웨어: 빌드 385 와 펌웨어 Q2B87 이 새로운 안정 빌드입니다. 우리는 대기모드와 복귀, 전력관리, 그리고 Geode LX bringup에 집중하고 있으므로, 향후 3~5주 내에 다른 안정된 빌드가 나오지는 않을 것입니다. 이 빌드로 시스템을 업데이드 하십시오. 주요한 변화 및 개선점은 다음과 같습니다:
- a fix for a number of crashes in Sugar, which have been seen occasionally became much more common in Build 368 was finally traced to a bug in the fontconfig library;
- updated library content;
- improved UI for selecting networks, and further bug fixes in the network driver;
- fix for LiFePo battery problems (This is the last known battery problem.);
- memory of the WEP wireless key should be much improved;
- updated TamTam bundle (save and restore work properly);
- a new, improved calculator program from Reinier Heeres;
- a temporary workaround for a presence-service problem is in place; and
- sufficient aliases for old X11 core fonts that most applications not yet updated to the current X client-side font model should work (specifically, this fixes a crash in the Adobe Flash 9 plug-in for Linux).
우리는 스쿨 서버에 노트북 컨텐츠를 백업하기 위한 다음 번 안정된 빌드 전에 자동화된 백업 스크립트를 작성할 것입니다; 이것은 단순히, 현재 빌드에 포함된 "rsync"를 이용한 것입니다.
4. 펌웨어: Mitch Bradley completed preparations to cut over to fastboot/suspend/resume firmware. The Q2Cxx series will include these new features:
- suspend/resume support;
- memtest86 built in to firmware;
- keyboard diagnostic that displays key presses graphically;
- explicit probe-usb no longer needed: attempts to open the USB node automatically handle connection-status changes;
- new boot flash layout per Quanta's request, plus tools to inspect manufacturing data and save it to a disk file; and
- faster boot time.
Lilian Walters released to Mitch the keyboard self-test code and the auto reprobe for USB. Richard Smith released q2b86 and q2b87 with new EC bits that fix outstanding LiFe battery problems.
5. 전력관리: As mentioned above, we are cutting over to the “C” series of firmware releases as we develop our suspend/resume work. Richard worked on resume SD bug with Pierre Ossman. It seems that after a resume, the clock on the SD is not coming back up right. It starts but then goes away. Richard is still trying to hunt this down. Only SD is not resuming properly now. The resume time without SD is down to 0.23 seconds!
6. 커널: Andres Salomon did the regular Linux tree merge, merged the libertas wireless driver into the stable tree, and worked on the open firmware (OFW) device-tree kernel patch. The device-tree implementation is going to require a lot of tender-loving-care to get it upstream, unfortunately. Dave Woodhouse diagnosed a latent bug in the JFFS2 file system caused by pretty pathological logging behavior; it will require some work to fix. Jordan Crouse worked on the Geode LX frame buffer driver (lxfb).
7. 사용자 환경: Jim Gettys figured out how the old core X font system worked, to enable applications using the obsolete X core font system (e.g., Adobe's Flash 9 plugin) to work properly on our system. Chris Ball tested fontconfig-2.4.2, which Jim correctly predicted as the fix to Sugar crashes that had become very common in Build 368. We had been about to revert the branch prediction firmware workaround instead. Both Chris Ball and Chris Blizzard have confirmed that the crash disappears as of Build 380. Chris also tracked down the Unicode scripts as the cause of our console font becoming tiny. John Palmieri came up with a fix, which is in the latest build.
8. 스쿨 서버: John Watlington은 우리가 캠브리지에서 한 대의 스쿨 서버를 메쉬 포털로 구동 중임을 밝힙니다. 최대 세 개의 메쉬 네트워크를 지원하며, 서로 간의 라우팅과 인터넷 접속을 지원합니다.
노트북 뉴스는 노트북 뉴스에 아키브됩니다.
laptop.org mailman site를 방문하여, 메일링 리스트에 가입하면 OLPC 공동체의 뉴스를 받아볼 수 있습니다.
언론 문의: press@racepointgroup.com로 이메일을 보내 주세요.
Feb. 2007 | B2-test machines become available and are shipped to developers and the launch countries. |
Jan. 2007 | Rwanda announced its participation in the project. |
Dec. 2006 | Uruguay announced its participation in the project. |
Nov. 2006 | First B1 machines are built; IDB and OLPC formalize an agreement regarding Latin American and Caribbean education. |
Oct. 2006 | B-test boards become available; Libya announces plans for one laptop for every child |
Sep. 2006 | UI designs presented; integrated software build released; SES-Astra joins OLPC |
Aug. 2006 | Working prototype of the dual-mode display |
Jun. 2006 | 500 developer boards are shipped worldwide; WiFi operational; Csound demonstrated over the mesh network First video with working prototype [1] |
May 2006 | eBay joins OLPC; display specs set; A-test boards become available; $100 Server is announced |
Apr. 2006 | Pre-A test board boots; Squid and FreePlay present first human-power systems |
Mar. 2006 | Yves Behar and FuseProject are selected as industry designers |
Feb. 2006 | Marvell joins OLPC and continues to partner on network hardware |
Jan. 2006 | World Economic Forum, Switzerland UNDP and OLPC Sign Partnership Agreement news release |
Dec. 2005 | Quanta Computer Inc. to Manufacture Laptop (html)(pdf) |
Nov. 2005 | WSIS, Tunisia Prototype Unveiled by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan; Nortel joins OLPC Photos: (Image 1)
(Image 2) (Image 3) |
Aug. 2005 | Design Continuum starts design of first laptop |
Jul. 2005 | Formal signing of original members of OLPC |
Mar. 2005 | Brightstar and Red Hat come on board |
Jan. 2005 | Laptop initiative officially announced at World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland; AMD, News Corp. and Google agree to join OLPC |
언론을 위한 발표문
Jan. 2007 | OLPC has No Plans to Commercialize XO Computer. |
Jan. 2007 | OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer. |
Jan. 2007 | Rwanda Commits to One Laptop per Child Initiative. |
Dec. 2006 | Low Cost Laptop Could Tranform Learning. |
(Misc. videos of the laptop can be found.)
http://www.techpresentations.com/2007/03/07/one-laptop-per-child/ | Presentation by Jim Gettys at FOSDEM 2007
http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM607884-7823-CRIANCAS+TESTAM+COMPUTADOR+PORTATIL,00.html | Crianças testam computador portátil/ Students test the laptop, GLOBO- BRASIL
http://stanford-online.stanford.edu/courses/ee380/061004-ee380-300.asx | Mark Foster delivers presentation to Standford University
http://www.technologyreview.com/ | Technology Review Mini-Documentary
http://www.radiofarda.com/Article/2007/01/04/f2_Interview-laptop.html | A Brief Demo