Revision as of 03:39, 2 July 2007 by Simosx (talk | contribs) (Addition to the page index?)
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PO format

just noticed the double comment w/ prefix (#en msgstr | #es msgstr)... isn't that a bit confusing piece of clarification? I know that for the Library localization we sort of settled on that quick-n-dirty solution (quite proud of it though ;)... but in the context of the 'main' site PO's it seems to be misguiding... --Xavi 15:36, 1 April 2007 (EDT)

found a error link of the

these 2 links show just the english content, not in the local languages and
oops. Forgot to ever $gettext the strings in that page template. Should be all set now. --Walter 18:36, 4 April 2007 (EDT)

Addition to the page index?

I added translation (PO) files for the Greek language. However, these are not listed automatically in the header, in

{{Translation | lang = el | source = | version = 28852}}

I added both categories. Do I need to create some other page as well?