OLPC Peru/Arahuay

< OLPC Peru
Revision as of 07:24, 9 July 2007 by Xavi (talk | contribs) (adding stub for Peru's pilot site)
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Ulaanbaatar.mn | Arahuay.pe | Khairat.in | Ban Samkha.th | Galadima.ng | Cardal and CEIBAL.uy | Bashuki.np | Bishwamitra.np | Atlas School.pk | Altos de Cazucá.co  [+/-]

Arahuay (in the Arahuay district) is Perú's pilot site.

School   : Institución Educativa Apóstol Santiago : Escuela
Since    :                2007-07-07              : Desde
Students :                  #N/A                  : Alumnos
Laptops  :                  #N/A                  : Laptops
Tot.Pop. :                  #N/A                  : Pob.Tot.
Feature  :             2600 m (alt)               : Característica
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arahuay peru