Free Content Jam Taipei

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Curriculum Jam Taipei
Taipei, Taiwan

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In A Nutshell

Curriculum Jam Taipei<br\> Where: We are looking for a location. Help us find one!<br\> When: August 1-2, 2007<br\> Goal: Design and test (with the help of local schoolchildren) open content lesson plans (and the materials to facilitate them) using primarily resources found in the Wikimedia family of projects. Do all this in less than 48 hours.


ccTaiwan is hosting an OLPC Curriculum Jam in Taipei, right before the Wikimania conference, from August 1-2. An OLPC Jam is a content creation crunch that gets participants from idea to reality in just a few days. For this Jam, we'll be creating learning activities in making small collections of materials that kids can use to teach themselves something, whether it's math or art or a Russian folk dance. On Sunday afternoon, a judging panel of local schoolchildren will review the submissions and declare the winner. After the Jam, we'll upload all the lessons plans we've generated to the internet and release them under an open content license so that students and teachers around the world can use them.

What is a Jam?

An OLPC Jam is a content creation crunch that gets participants from idea to reality in just a few days. By the end of the Jam, you'll have something finished to test with local schoolchildren (who serve as judges for the event). It's a great way to get started developing for OLPC. Click here to learn more.

I want to participate!

Jams are collaboratively organized events, so the best way to get started is to just dive in and introduce yourself. Participating in this Jam? Have ideas? Want to coordinate rides, teams, projects, or talk about the Jam? Edit the Jam Talk Page!