Curriculum Jam Taipei/lang-zh

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- 活動主題:Curriculum Jam Taipei<br\>
- 地點:維基媒體國際大會的「開放文化空間」(319 會議室)<br\>
- 時間:2007 年 8 月 1 日到 2 日<br\>
- 目的:透過本地學童的協助,設計並測試開放內容課程計畫(以及相關用以協助學習的素材),這些計畫的內容都將使用 維基媒體基金會相關計畫的資源,將在 48 小時之內完成所有事項。
ccTaiwan 將在台北推動這次的 OLPC Curriculum Jam(課程即奏?),本活動由維基媒體國際大會在正式會議前所主辦,時間為8月1日至8月2日。OLPC Jam 是一種內容創作的新體驗,讓所有的參加者,在短短的幾天當中將想像化為現實。針對這次的 Jam,我們將會建立一些學習的活動,用以製作一些小型的素材集,讓小朋友得以從中自我學習,不論是數學、藝術或是俄羅斯民俗舞蹈。在第二天的下午,由本地學童所組成的評審團,將會檢視這些作品,並且宣佈獲勝團隊。在此活動之後,我們將會上傳所有產生的課程計畫到網路上,並且以開放內容授權的方式釋出,讓全世界所有的學生與老師都可以自由的加以應用。
Project criteria
You can make anything you want during the Jam, as long as it fits these three criteria.
- It must be entirely open-content, preferably released into the public domain.
- It must be designed for children ages 6-16. Children will be judging the submissions.
- It must be developed in English or Mandarin since those are the languages our young judges will speak. For an extra challenge, try to develop materials and activities that use no language at all!
- It must work on an XO. This could mean...
- Putting it on a website that children can view
- Using XO hardware as part of your lesson (have them take pictures with the camera, etc)
- Using existing OLPC activities (or making your own) as part of your lesson - have them play a math game on the computer, or use the Measure activity to play with musical instruments.
- or more - we will go over some things you can do with the XO at the start of the event.
XO laptops will be available throughout the Jam for testing, and the judges will be using XO laptops to test the content you create.
What is a Jam?
An OLPC Jam is a content creation crunch that gets participants from idea to reality in just a few days. By the end of the Jam, you'll have something finished to test with local schoolchildren (who serve as judges for the event). It's a great way to get started developing for OLPC. Click here to learn more.
I want to participate!
Jams are collaboratively organized events, so the best way to get started is to just dive in and introduce yourself. Participating in this Jam? Have ideas? Want to coordinate rides, teams, projects, or talk about the Jam? Edit the Jam Talk Page!