User talk:Mchua/calendar

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Revision as of 10:49, 11 August 2007 by Mchua (talk | contribs) (how is this kept up to date? response)
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How is this kept up to date? --Lauren 14:19, 10 August 2007 (EDT)

I shudder to say it, but... manually? Basically, we need a way to keep track of
  • "external" content deadlines - if I'm an external developer working on some piece of content, I need some place to go to find out about the relevant deadlines on where I can submit what material to for inclusion in where. Use case: I run an online children's library that has lots of great open content books that I'd love to share with the OLPC project, and I've talked to Lauren and made some .xol packages like she told me. Where do I go to find out where I should send my .xol files to, by when, for each of the upcoming content deadlines?
  • "external" content events - what content related meetings are there, if any, (IRC chats, conference calls, gatherings in 1cc or otherwise) that are okay for anyone interested to stop by for, and where/when are they? Currently, the only people actually coming to any kind of content meetings whatsoever are (1) OLPC staff/interns or (2) good friends of OLPC staff/interns who are individually invited/told about the meetings by their friends. Which is okay if we want a "core team" working on "core content stuff," but really annoying if we'd like to open up meetings to other interested people and those interested people don't have a way of finding out about what's going on. Use case: I'm a software developer in Cambridge that wants to help out with OLPC content in my spare time, and would like to follow what's going on in meetings & discussions & such so I can write little Python scripts on the side that might be helpful in automating some library actions. What are the chats and meetings that are going on that I might attend?
  • "internal" content events - probably best served via the google calendar we already have up, but this is stuff like "have meeting with X group, have teleconference with Y group" - conversations that are not public to the external world.