User talk:AlbertCahalan

Revision as of 23:08, 12 August 2007 by HoboPrimate (talk | contribs) (Icon for Tuxpaint)
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Sugar Documentation

Al, I'm not so great at python myself. I'm trying to document enough stuff that I could develop the OLPC utilities that I want myself (in Python). That said, if you have specific questions, ask me and I'll try and hunt down an answer for you. Keep in mind, I'm just an anonymous contributor myself. I'm conversant with C, but I'm really interested in understanding the mesh, the journal, and what configurations a user might want to change. -Jeff 12:13, 12 March 2007 (EDT)

Thanks for your interests

I deleted some vague expressions in those pages I've written, hope your continuous interests on those pages. Please don't hesitate to give me any comment anytime (even blames also welcomed ^^).

Thanks a lot...your sincerely user:php5

Thanks for your recommendations

I'll try to improve my wiki publishing :o) --Carla 09:02, 7 August 2007 (EDT)

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I'm on it :) First version:
