Emulating the XO/lang-ja
- This is an on-going translation
{{anchor|Quick Start - [[LiveCd|LiveCD]}}
クイックスタート - LiveCD
2007年7月の段階では、Live CDは3ヶ月以上も更新されていませんでした。その間ソフトウェアは大幅に進歩してしまったので、果たしてLive CDが更新されるまで役立つものかどうか定かではありません。
クイックスタート - エミュレーション
- 現在、TamTamのサウンドがうまく機能しないみたいです。MitchellNCharity 13:16, 5 June 2007 (EDT)
ここから最新イメージを入手してください。(add link to tinderbox) Emulating the XO/Quick Startに書かれているようにQEMUとカーネルアクセラレーションをインストールしてください。/Help_and_tipsの"Development"の項も参照のこと。
541と505の間の多くのビルド、例えば531, 529, そして525はブートしません。しかしながら50x以降のいくつかは動くみたいです。
One way to run oplc software is using an emulator on your pc. See Getting started programming for other options.
Note Category:Emulation and Help and tips.
For play, you can use LiveCd or Quick Start.
For development, you can use LiveCd, or qemu (as in quick start, but with a different image), or perhaps one of the Developer Images other than the LiveCd. An alternate approach is to attempt installing sugar. See Getting started programming for a comparison.
A common development approach is to use QEMU with kqemu acceleration. See Quick Start for the basics. Though for development, we will use a different .img, one with a few extra utility programs. See OS images, including latest stable build.
Instead of qemu, you can run VMware, and there are additional options on a Mac.
Please report your experiences in User Feedback on Images. There is a Virtualization Common Room.
There are limitations with XO disk images.
The LATEST-STABLE-BUILD versus LATEST build distinction is mostly of interest to people running on actual XO's. In emulation, developers should usually use LATEST. And when STABLE is old, non-developers probably should too.
An OLPC laptop is custom hardware, running a stripped-down Red Hat linux, running Sugar. But what if you don't have a real olpc laptop? There are a several options, which can each be used in a couple of ways.
Example step-by-step instructions
echo $COOKIE
3. On the xo, still as "su olpc", record the cookie: (First time only)
echo "add . " PUT-THE-COOKIE-HERE
- Tutorial Written by IBM on how to get this working.