Olin university chapter

Revision as of 20:34, 31 August 2007 by (talk) (notes from wednesday)
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This is the wiki-homepage of the Olin college OLPC university chapter.


Please post proposed projects here, so that we can apply for Developers program support (like XOs to use).

Project Name Project Description Professor Contact Materials needed Additional Information
the title/name of your project a basic description of your project which Olin prof is supervising your project? (required) your name here (link to user page, if you have a wiki account) what do you need to do it? anything else you want to say

Meeting notes

Olin students visited the OLPC office on August 29, 2007. Here are the notes as transcribed from the board.


  • Community service group led by Nikki
  • Mel is OLPC liason, will be on IRC (nick mchua) every Friday 3-5, and available through email.

Why University chapters are great

  • Cutting edge technology
  • Variety of perspectives
    • catching details
    • more dedication
    • more experience
  • publicity
    • awards


  • Financial independence
  • Professional quality

Current tasklist

Things to do or start on before next week's Friday meeting.


  • administrative support - serv/core/"hey president miller, dr m., et al, we're doing this!" (greg, ellen, andyp)
  • outreach program - running demo requests (ollie, once Olin gets some XOs; ollie, ping mel when the XOs arrive)
  • flash conference through ideatree (molly)
  • wellesley liason - do they want to help? start their own chapter? (andyp)
  • talk to professors about advising projects, helping out, and especially about allowing Olin students to do OLPC projects for course assignments
    • POE (abarry)
    • SCOPE - coordinate student interest in a team (sallen)
    • ECS (steveo)
    • ICB (velin & ollie)
    • focs (yifan)
    • wired ensemble (greg)
    • analog digital (steveo)
    • discrete (yifan)

Olin todo for OLPC

OLPC todo for Olin

  • development image (w/ Steveo)
  • swag
  • documentation (w/ Molly, Yifan, Sallen)
  • "volunteer day" at the office
  • spring OLPC conference w/ other area schools (later)
  • university chapter blog (later)