OLPC myths/lang-ja
- This is an on-going translation
Separated by "False" and "Falsehood" (inaccuracies) misunderstandings, and other responses where appropriate.
そのとおりです。しかしそれこそが(最終的に)本体からハンドルが取り除かれた理由です。手回しクランクは初期プロトタイプでは装備されていました。しかし実際の最終出荷ユニットでは外部設置の人力発電システムを使う予定です。Freecharge portable chargerに似たフットペダル型充電器、太陽電池パネル、クランク、そしてプリーシステムなどが候補として上がっています。
本当です。最初のプロトタイプは、スリム化されたバージョンのFedora CoreとRed Hatより提供されるSugerユーザインタフェースが走る予定です。しかしながらその他のシステムもまた引き続き検討されています。
提案されている100ドルのマシンはMicrosoft Windowsオペレーティングシステムを走らせる予定だ
本当です:MicrosoftはOLPCのラップトップ上で実行可能なWindowsベースのシステム開発に取り組んでいるところです。 間違いです:戦略自身に変更はありません。OLPCはRed Hatとともに、Linuxベースのソフトウェア群の開発を継続しているところです。しかしながらOLPCプロジェクトはオープンであり、OLPCがその他の人々が代替のソフトウェアパッケージを開発することをとめることはできないし、恐らくそうしたいとも思わないでしょう。
- 全ての人々がその意見に賛成であるわけではありません。有る人は貧しい人々にとって、ネットへのアクセスこそが政府が彼らに対し社会保障を提供するよう要求する上での政治的発言力を得るための最も早い方法であると考えています。あるいは彼らが貧困から完全に抜け出す手段となる現実的な仕事を得るための教育を受けること、などもです。あるいは食料、水、衣服、住居、そしてエネルギーetcを提供できる革新的技術を利用できることなども挙げられます。
嘘です:いったいどういう意味なのでしょう?これを"ガジェット"と呼ぶということはおもちゃ以上の何物でもないとか面白いがあまり重要でないものといったことを暗に表しています。商業的に入手可能なPDAの方がもっと役に立つのでしょうか?間違ってもそんなことはないでしょう。携帯電話のほうがもっと役に立つんでしょうか?これらの問題を真剣に解決するための何かを伝ザインするということを避けるような取り組みのなかで、必要とされる機能を持たないかもしれない携帯電話をなぜ利用するのでしょう? その他のものがもっと良いアイデアを生み出せるはずがないと言っているのではありません。むしろ私たちはそれを奨励します。非常に厳密な功利主義者的感覚からすると、私たちの願いは私たちがラップトップと呼ぶこの技術は、単なるハイテク小物よりもましなことができることです。きっとできると私たちは信じています。
Falsehood: What does this mean? To call it a "gadget" implies that this is nothing more than a toy or an insignificant object of interest. Can a commercially available PDA do better? Highly unlikely. Can a cell phone do better? Why waste a cell phone that may not have the needed features in an effort to avoid designing something to really solve these problems? This is not to say that others can't come up with better ideas; we encourage it. In the strictest utilitarian sense our hope is that this technology we call a laptop can do much more than mere gadgetry. And we're confident it can.
間違いです:XOはこれまでで最も再生可能部品を利用することに腐心して作られたラップトップです。EPEAT (www.epeat.net)はラップトップの環境に対する影響を計測する組織です。OLPCはラップトップが環境への影響という点で非常に優れていると信じているので、ラップトップにレーティングを付与する活動の最中です。XOはEPEATのゴールドレーティングを授かる最初のラップトップとなることが間違いないと考えられています。XOは新しい、より高いレーティングをも達成することは間違いないとさえ考えられています。
We hope that is not true. If the program is run well by governments all or most laptops will be accounted for. No doubt some laptops will find their way into trash bins and garbage dumps, where there are strong financial incentives for almost all of them to be reclaimed. Will broken laptops be brought back and recycled or parted out for new laptops (refurbished)? Hopefully. And hopefully distribution and reclamation will be conducted in a responsible manner.
Falsehood: Not so. Like mentioned earlier, if other groups and businesses come up with their own ideas then we encourage it. That doesn't automatically put a value judgement on competing ideas. Some ideas or projects may have strengths and weaknesses that others do not. We can only learn from each other to better each other's ideas and we hope we will in the spirit of goodwill towards those who need it. But what we hope this does not turn into is petty rivalry and cutthroat politics in business that is not conducive to a cause we happen to champion.
How so?: If it's simply a tool as water purifying machines are tools, how will it harm the people it's intended to help? If you're talking about the digital divide in most places where this program may be instituted, think on that a minute. If this laptop does what it's intended to do it can only open avenues to better close that divide. If you're talking about the environment, read the entries on that further up the list. Or do you think that these laptops will, for example, destroy languages and cultures? Hardly. Even now, minority languages that seemed to be dying out, such as Hawai'ian, Welsh and Irish, and Yiddish are coming back. Why wouldn't that work for languages of Africa or Asia? These laptops will provide unequalled opportunities for saving once endangered aspects of civilization and bring them to the attention and consideration of the entire world community. This is what we generally mean by "communication" and this laptop can only help, not hinder, in the achievement of this goal.
False: All things have a beginning. And not doing things just because others before you haven't done those things is no reason not to do them or make excuses why not to do them. Most likely because possible previous attempts have failed (presumably) is because the right technology just wasn't there to begin with. Now we have technology that is cheap enough and available enough to attempt something of this magnitude. That's how it's always been. We are trying to "stand on the shoulders of the giants who came before us" and learn from their mistakes, and we have had to invent some things from scratch to bypass some of the well-known pitfalls of such a project. This evolution of technology is based on Moore's Law. The evolution of the epistemology--recall that this is a learning project--is based on 40 years of research into technology and learning. Eventually the written word spread across the globe and obviously was developed as civilization developed. It had to start somewhere with someone. Same with technology and its eventual seeming ubiquity.
People say that OLPC has no plan for recycling the laptops, or training teachers, or getting software into local languages, or preventing wholesale theft and resale of the machines, or a host of other things that we clearly should plan for. The fact is that it is too soon to have an announced plan for any of these things. But lack of an announced plan does not equate to lack of planning. Significant numbers of people are putting their best thoughts and other efforts into these problems, and will have much to say at the appropriate times.
On the other hand, how can we plan in any detail for such huge transforming events as bringing a generation out of poverty? Look at countries where it has happened, like South Korea, or is happening, like Thailand. Who could have predicted twenty or thirty years ago where they would be today, and what they would need next? Who could have predicted that South Korea would become the most highly digitally-connected nation on Earth, or the state of the North Korean and Burmese refugee problems?
So the kind of planning we have to do is what software developers call Agile Planning. We have to know what we can do next, and we have to create a process for understanding what happens when we do it, and how we can proceed from wherever we get to. The opposite of the infamous Soviet or Indian Five-Year Plan, or the Waterfall model of software development, where everything is supposed to be known in advance, whether it can be or not.
What do we need to do next?
- Build and test the computer, and get it ready for production
- Get more software for it in more languages
- Get financial commitments for the first production run and field trials
- Plan enough of the training and logistics for the trials
- Research the trials
- Plan the next larger rollout
We have a pretty good idea how to do the first two, Sales & Marketing (AKA Prof. Negroponte) is working the third about as well as he can, and it's still too soon to do more than outline the last three. The problems of training and logistics will be different in every country. We will need to focus considerable energy on the issues that actually arise, and not wish for a plan that could meet every possible contingency.
How can we tell what happened?
- Pay attention, AKA research, done by professional researchers and by the people concerned. Read the children's blogs, for one major thing.
Then what?
- Oh, just another 200 or so countries where 6,000+ languages are spoken, major health problems, the odd civil war or tyranny, a little of this and a little of that, you know. No shortage of challenges. The perfect setting for a flowering of ingenuity that will put the Industrial Revolution to shame. I'm counting on the brainpower and energy of a few hundred million hungry children. You and I can't outthink them, especially not in advance.
So are you going to stand there cursing the darkness, or teach people to make candles?
This is probably false. The reasons probably include significant code not rewritten in Python (examples?), the fact that python isn't as slow as interpreted languages used to be (statistics?), and empirical evidence that things are working fine on the OLPC (examples?).
(When this answer is rewritten with specifics, please remove my signature: Homunq 15:30, 29 July 2007 (EDT))
- The L2 Cache on the LX has a big impact on Python performance as well... --Walter 20:20, 29 July 2007 (EDT)