User talk:Felice/languages.html.template

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Revision as of 20:27, 16 September 2007 by Xavi (talk | contribs) (language navigation)
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Problem with the new links modification

If a language link for e.g. Portuguese is selected under the spanish version of [languages], it shows error "404 not found". The other language versions have the same problem. A possible solution for that is to use the full url address.

You are correct. Since the depth of the relative path can vary depending upon how you enter the site, I guess I have no choice but to use absolute pathnames. Thanks for catching this. --Walter 08:23, 11 April 2007 (EDT)

language navigation

Shouldn't the static site have a language list in it's first page? Having to navigate through:

  2. hit whichever icon (vision, laptop, participate, or children)
  3. find the languages link — which is not too obvious (top right) and is in english
  4. browse the list
  5. browse the site in your native language... not user friendly!

Not to mention that the list is sorted by what looks like a random function and no distinction is made between the old style and the new style of the site...

My suggestion is:

  1. have a list of links to the new version languages available in the front-page (per language or included?)
  2. maybe have a last option denoting something like older versions, which is a link to the list
  3. re-organize the list of available languages either by language/site-version or site-version/language or something...

Comments? Xavi 16:27, 16 September 2007 (EDT)