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Notes on the XO B4-10

  • B4-10
  • Linux-2.6.21-20070614
  • Firmware : PQ2C18
  • Build : 406.14 variant devel jffs2

First impressions

Opening the XO is puzzling :-) I would say that the first pedagogical activity of the XO is opening it... You have to understand and to watch carefully the XO. The XO is cute, a beautiful object - the keyboard - a waterproof one - is not as responsive as standard keyboard. Need to train before typing quickly. The space bar does not respond well.

The wiki is a jungle... Informations are scattered in a lot of place, not really up-to-date, and informations for B1,B2,B3,B4 are mixed, so it is difficult to focus on your version hardware.

With this build, close an application is not intuitive. Corrected on next build. I suggest anyone to first upgrade both the firmware and the build image. For instance, the first time I tried the XO, I thought that there was a problem with the battery... Because the battery discharged very quickly. In fact, the problem was that this firmware does not control the battery charging very well.

Following the auto installation wiki page, I did this upgrade

  • Linux-2.6.22-20070801
  • Q2C26
  • build 542

I come to this problem, called the "XO Activation error"... In the wiki auto installation, I miss this part, which was important : reboot and push in the same time the 'check' and 'X' button (from the gamepad). Then the problem was gone

The battery seems to last around two hours... there is still a problem, the indication are not accurate in the sugar interface.

I realized that there is a problem with NAND flash, few bad blocks, and sometimes got a CRC error...

No sound for TamTam, but there is sound with the XO, I tried mplayer which plays fine ogg files (tryad on - Public Domain :-)

I tested the "Watch & Listen", too few possibilities concerning the video format. Wondering if I can use mplayer as a backend for "Watch & Listen" - mplayer supports a lot of files, and works well on the XO.

I've got a very weird problem with my home access point (Inventel The XO cannot connect to this ap out of the box. There is a functionnality called "association mode", a kind of mac filtering. When you push a button on the ap, filtering is disactivate and all wireless computer can connect to the ap. Their MAC address are stored into the ap memory, and when the "association mode" is over, new wireless computer cannot connect anymore. I tested the XO to other APs, and there is no problem... But with this ap, it can connect during the "association mode", and when I reboot the XO, it cannot connect anymore although I can see that the MAC address is registred into the APs. My first hypothesis was that there was a problem with the ipv6 module, but it wasn't that. Now I would try to disactivate the mesh functionnality, to test if the problem come there.

Next a stable build, grab bleeding edge is