Pygame wrapper

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The Pygame wrapper for the OLPC Sugar platform is called OLPCGames. The Game development HOWTO describes how to use the wrapper to quickly create a skeletal Activity which has a basic Pygame event loop. This page explores the differences between standard Pygame programming and OLPCGames-mediated Pygame programming.

The automatically generated Pydoc documentation for OLPCGames is also available.

Getting the wrapper

You can either download the wrapper as a .zip or .tar.gz, or you check it out of the git repository on

git clone git://

The 'olpcgames' directory is the package in question. Submodules you can access are activity, canvas, camera, mesh, and pangofont. The wrapper also replaces certain Python modules (e.g. pygame.event with 'eventwrap' (which can also be imported separately)), so we document those here too.

Differences from Pygame

The SDL Pygame wrapper allows for nested Pygame windows using a separate thread. It forwards GTK events and converts them to Pygame events. Games under the wrapper may not work exactly the same way and porting is not completely seamless -- you should be aware of a few OLPC-specific caveats:

  • You cannot set the display mode using pygame.display.set_mode. You must set it in the wrapper boilerplate instead (see Game development HOWTO).
  • It is not recommended that you use the regular Pygame.font text drawing. You can use the wrapper to draw text using the 'olpcgames.pangofont' module instead which supports proper internationalization. See Pygame wrapper#Pangofont.
  • The event module is shadowed by Pygame wrapper#Eventwrap and some methods may not work exactly the same. Certain methods in pygame.mouse and pygame.key are also shadowed.
  • There's no CD-ROM, so the 'cdrom' module isn't useful.

Keyboard and Mouse

Keyboard and mouse work approximately as they do under Pygame. We simulate repeated key-down events when a key is held down for a period in order to simulate Pygame's operation.

The "gamepad" buttons on the left and right of the screen come in as Numpad number keys (i.e., pygame.K_KP1 through pygame.K_KP9):

D-Pad (left of screen)             Gamepad (right of screen)
      8                                    9       O
    4   6                                7   1   []  V
      2                                    3       X

The D-pad (directional pad) mappings make sense as the traditional arrow keys on the numeric keypad of 101-key keyboards. The gamepad mappings make sense when you realize that 9/3 are page-up/page-down and 7/1 are home/end. The d-pad has 8 directions of articulation. You detect the diagonals by looking for two keys pressed at the same time.

When designing your interfaces keep in mind that an OLPC-XO in tablet mode only has the eight "keys" above available (as well as a resize-and-rotate key, but that's already mapped by the operating system).

Keep in mind that your activities will need to be localized into many languages, so binding, for instance "p" to "produce" is sub-optimal. If possible provide a run-time configuration, or at least a localization-time configuration mechanism (such as a configuration file) that lets more natural keys be chosen for each language's keyboard.

OLPC-XO (B4) Hardware Notes

The D-Pad control is usable for general control operations, but it is not a precise/fast control device as seen on gaming console controllers. It often slips from a cardinal direction to the adjacent intermediate direction (i.e. from left to left+up). You should not expect a traditional "platformer" game to be played with this control without some heuristics to clean up the input.

The checkmark button (K_KP1) is far easier to click than the X button, so "click" for "fire" should likely be the checkmark rather than the X. (Which makes sense to English users, at least). The Game pad buttons are small and close enough that asking a user to rapidly switch between them will likely result in a lot of multiple-button push events. Again, some heuristic code would be needed to clean up the input.


See Sugar Standard Icons for instructions on how to create and use a standard Sugar cursor within Pygame-based games. The arrow and hand cursor there should likely be sufficient for most games.

Antialiased Lines

The bit-depth chosen by the wrapper (16 bit on OLPC-XOs, normally) tends to make antialiased lines fail. The reason this is so hasn't been extensively investigated, so it's not known whether this is a hard-and-fast limitation, or just an optimization hint.

Window Resizing

Window resizing probably doesn't work well yet (i.e., resizing windows via the screen rotate button), but we will try to get this working soon.

Module Reference

Note that the Pydoc documentation for OLPCGames is often more up-to-date than the descriptions on this page.


The olpcgames.activity module encapsulates creation of a Pygame activity. Your Activity should inherit from this class. Simply setting some class attributes is all you need to do in a class inheriting from olpcgames.activity.PyGameActivity in order to get Pygame to work.

class PyGameActivity(activity.Activity):
    game_name = None
    game_title = 'PyGame Game'
    game_handler = None
    game_size = (units.grid_to_pixels(16),
    pygame_mode = 'SDL'

You need to set these:

game_name: This is a string containing the name of the module and, optionally a colon followed by the name of the main method (example: "tictactoe:main"). If there's no main method specified it defaults to "main". In this example, the wrapper code will import the module named "tictactoe" and call main() on it. That is expected to enter a Pygame main loop (which makes some call into pygame.event periodically, see Pygame wrapper#Eventwrap).

game_title: This is the string containing the title of the game, as it appears in the Sugar toolbar at the top of activities.

game_size: Pixel resolution of your game window. This is not changeable at runtime. This needs to match whatever you pass to pygame.display.set_mode(), and you cannot call set_mode() later with a different size.

These are optional:

pygame_mode can be set to 'Cairo' if you want experimental Cairo pygame support. In this case you need to include the 'pygamecairo' module accessible from your game. This is not recommended; the module is highly experimental and performance is not very good.

game_handler is a deprecated synonym for game_name.


The canvas submodule handles wrapping events and initializing SDL inside the container.

class PyGameCanvas(gtk.EventBox):

There's nothing you probably need to interact with in the canvas submodule.


The 'eventwrap' module is a replacement for pygame.event. It has much of the same interface (see [1]). See the doc-strings of these methods for full documentation; I'll point out the differences here:

There is an install() method which installs eventwrap in place of pygame.event, so that unaware Pygame applications will use this event queue rather than the native Pygame one. Performance is mostly unaffected, and this event queue is more versatile than Pygame's. Thus, we do this for all Pygame games as part of the Activity wrapper.

This event queue does not support getting events only of a certain type. You need to get all pending events at a time, or filter them yourself. You can, however, block and unblock events of certain types, so that may be useful to you. Set_grab doesn't do anything (you are not allowed to grab events). Sorry.


OLPCGames provides you with a simple wrapper class that will use GStreamer to snap an image with the built-in camera on the XO. The camera module works by creating a GStreamer pipeline that starts with the camera and terminates in a png or jpeg file. Alternately the module can allow you to take a "picture" of the test source, for those testing on non-XO hardware.

You will need to import the module:

from olpcgames import camera

when you want to take a picture with the camera, call snap_async, like so:

camera.snap_async( 'picture 32', source='test' )

the gstreamer pipeline will be created and will iterate until complete. When the picture is available it will be read as a pygame image and returned via a camera.CAMERA_LOAD or camera.CAMERA_LOAD_FAIL event in your Pygame mainloop. These events have the following members:

  • filename -- filename into which the file was saved
  • success -- boolean indicating whether we succeeded/failed
  • token -- the object passed in as the first argument to snap_async
  • image -- the loaded image as a Pygame surface (image), or None on failure
  • err -- if an error occurred, the Exception instance

There is a cameratest activity in GIT which demonstrates basic use of the snap_async function.

Note that the camera module exposes an older synchronous API for backwards compatibility. You likely should *not* use that api, as it can hang your entire activity waiting for the GStreamer stream to complete (which can take an arbitrary amount of time).


The 'mesh' module allows your Pygame game to be Shared across the OLPC networking infrastructure (D-bus and Tubes).

All Sugar activities have a 'Share' menu which is intended to allow other people to join the activity instance and collaborate with you. When you select Share, the activity's icon appears on the Neighborhood view of other laptops. If you do nothing with the 'mesh' module, this is all that will happen: if anyone selects your activity icon, they will just spawn a new instance of the activity, and they will get to play your game alone.

In order to send useful information across the mesh, you need to import this module (i.e., import olpcgames.mesh as mesh).

First, you need to be aware of the following event types that can now arrive on the Pygame event queue:

'''The tube connection was started. (i.e., the user clicked Share or started 
the activity from the Neighborhood screen).
Event properties:
  id: a unique identifier for this connection. (shouldn't be needed for anything)'''
CONNECT            = 9912

'''A participant joined the activity. This will trigger for the local user 
as well as any arriving remote users.
Event properties:
  handle: the arriving user's handle.'''

'''A participant quit the activity.
Event properties:
  handle: the departing user's handle.'''

'''A message was sent to you. 
Event properties:
   content: the content of the message (a string)
   handle: the handle of the sending user.'''
MESSAGE_UNI        = 9915

'''A message was sent to everyone.
Event properties:
   content: the content of the message (a string)
   handle: the handle of the sending user.'''
MESSAGE_MULTI      = 9916

Once you have a handle from one of the above events, you can use it to send messages to them and get their buddy info. Alternatively, you can just broadcast messages to everyone:

def send_to(handle, content=""):
    '''Sends the given message to the given buddy identified by handle.'''

def broadcast(content=""):
    '''Sends the given message to all participants.'''

def my_handle():
    '''Returns the handle of this user.'''

def get_buddy(handle):
    """Get a sugar.presence.Buddy from a handle."""

def get_participants():
    '''Returns the list of active participants, in order of arrival.
    List is maintained by the activity creator; if that person leaves 
    it may not stay in sync.'''

def dbus_get_object(handle, path):
    '''Get a D-bus object from another participant. 
    This is how you can communicate with other participants using 
    arbitrary D-bus objects without having to manage the participants 
    yourself. Simply define a D-bus class with an interface and path 
    that you choose; when you want a reference to the corresponding 
    remote object on a participant, call this method.'''

In order to meaningfully communicate, you must

from olpcgames import mesh

Now, you can make use of events you receive that are mesh related. See Pygame_wrapper#Mesh for details.

Here is a simple example -- in your event loop, just add listening for certain mesh events:

    for evt in [ pygame.event.wait() ] + pygame.event.get( ):
        if evt.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            # ...

        elif evt.type == mesh.PARTICIPANT_ADD:
            # Somebody joined. Add them to our list of people, and send them a message:
            mesh.send_to(evt.handle, str(self.game_state))

        elif evt.type == mesh.MESSAGE_UNI:
            # Received a message! Display it (and/or decode it):
            print "Got a message from %s: %s" % (evt.handle, evt.content)
            # Figure out the nick of whoever sent it:
            print "It was from buddy %s" % (mesh.get_buddy(evt.handle).props.nick)

See Also:

  • Discussion of how Productive uses the mesh module and raw Telepathy


The 'pangofont' module is a replacement for pygame.font. It has a similar interface (see [2]). See the doc-strings of these methods for full documentation; I'll point out the differences here:

There is an install() method which installs pangofont in place of pygame.font, so that unaware Pygame applications will draw with Pango rather than SDL_ttf (the default font backend in SDL). Unlike eventwrap, install() is not called automatically.

The main problem with SDL_ttf is that it doesn't handle internationalization nearly as well as Pango (in fact, pretty much nothing does). However, it is fairly fast and it has a rich interface. You should avoid fonts where possible, prerender using Pango for internationalizable text, and use Pango or SDL_ttf for text that really needs to be rerendered each frame. (Use SDL_ttf if profiling demonstrates that performance is poor with Pango.)

class PangoFont(object):
    """Base class for a pygame.font.Font-like object drawn by Pango."""
    def __init__(self, family=None, size=None, bold=False, italic=False, fd=None):
        """If you know what pango.FontDescription (fd) you want, pass it in as
        'fd'.  Otherwise, specify any number of family, size, bold, or italic,
        and we will try to match something up for you."""

    def render(self, text, antialias, color, background=None):
        """Render the font onto a new Surface and return it.
        We ignore 'antialias' and use system settings.
        NOTE: Due to a retarded implementation problem you cannot use 
        transparent colors. Alpha is ignored (set to 255)."""

class SysFont(PangoFont):
    """Construct a PangoFont from a font description (name), size in pixels,
    bold, and italic designation. Similar to SysFont from Pygame."""
    def __init__(self, name, size, bold=False, italic=False):

def fontByDesc(desc="",bold=False,italic=False):
    """Constructs a FontDescription from the given string representation."""

The format of the fontByDesc string representation is passed directly to the pango.FontDescription constructor and documented at [3]. Bold and italic are provided as a convenience. Example descriptions:

"sans bold 12"
"serif,monospace bold italic condensed 16"
"normal 10"

Note that PangoFont objects don't have any of the methods to mutate or examine the font (set_bold, get_line_height, etc.) that pygame.font.Font has. If you really need these methods, you can consider sticking with SDL_ttf.