
Revision as of 17:03, 13 December 2007 by Mcfletch (talk | contribs) (→‎Sugar Activity Tutorials: Note that the old presentation is largely obsolete now)
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These tutorials describe how to get started developing software for the OLPC XO environment.

Sugar Activity Tutorials

  • Sugar Activity Tutorial - This Hello World activity shows the basics of creating a python activity for Sugar using basic GTK operations
  • Tuquito's Hello World! using GTK+Glade rather than hand-coded GTK
  • Tubes Tutorial - Activity sharing using Tubes
  • OLPCGames/Pygame
    • Game development HOWTO -- download a zip file, run a command, register the resulting activity, run it, now make it do something fun and run it again
    • OLPCGames Presentation (Openoffice presentation, Powerpoint) - Slides describing how to create a working bundle manually (largely obsoleted by OLPCGames 1.2's skeleton builder)
  • Red Hat Magazine Tutorials (Block Party)
    • Introducing Sugar Article describing how to use sugar-jhbuild to set up a development environment
    • Anatomy of an Activity - A more detailed look at Sugar activities (Hello World style introduction to creating a new activity)
    • Converting a PyGTK application to Sugar: Part 1 - Part 1 in a series of tutorials on how to port existing applications to Sugar. This tutorial goes into the internals of the game BlockParty in preparation for converting it into a Sugar activity.
    • Converting a PyGTK application to Sugar: Part 2 - Part 2 in a series of tutorials on how to port existing applications to Sugar. This tutorial goes into converting the BlockParty game into a Sugar actvity (very involved).
  • Translation/Internationalization
    • Python i18n -- Python's built-in internationalization services and there use described as applied to a PyGame project
    • Python Unicode -- Python's unicode data-type
    • Translating -- Guide on how to go about doing translations


Further Reading

  • API Reference Pointers to reference documentation for the platform.