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  이 페이지는 OLPC 팀을 모니터링합니다.
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This is an on-going translation
Creating Content
Curating Content
Educational ideas
Activity ideas
Software ideas
Hardware ideas
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Content network

OLPC는 지식의 자유로운 공유라는 생각에서 설계되었습니다. 우리의 목표는 상상할 수 있는 모든 방법으로 어린이들이 배운 것을 함께 나누고 늘려 갈 수 있는 힘을 주는 것입니다. 그들이 얻은 것을 다시 만들고 늘려 가려는 하는 어린이들에게 어떠한 장애물도 없어야 합니다.

XO는 수많은 새로운 착상, 관념, 소재들을 전세계 어린이들의 손닿는 곳으로 가져올 것이며, 아울러 시간이 흐름에 따라 어린이들과 교사들이 협동하고 창작하고 변모시키는 새로운 방법을 제공할 것입니다. 배움의 기초 요소로서 협동 작업에 대한 우리의 집중은 편집할 수 있는 문서 형식, 갱신 추적, 철저한 저자 및 출처 표시를 이끌어 내고 있습니다.


XO provides children with new ways to derive knowledge from what is around them -- ways to record and to try things out, as well as ways to share, compare, and shape the ideas and work of others. This collaboration should be transparent, with the history of contributions and commentary, and each child's own history of contributions, given a primary place in descriptions of any work. At many levels, from clusters of laptops to digital libraries at schools, OLPC tools for creating, storing, and finding content are designed to make sharing easy.

OLPC also aims to provide access to libraries of knowledge, ideas, experiments, and art that others have created and attempted, as a window into the world and as examples and references on which to build. As children study new areas and add new ideas and experiments, they will be able to update the knowledge they share with those around them.


Networks of laptops and school servers provide a platform for sharing both existing knowledge and new ideas. Our focus is on how these networks will be used to create and discover new things, and to build new communities of learning.

Shared projects hold great power to engage and inspire creative effort. Projects shared across a small group help children to discover their own capacity for teaching and learning. Those shared across a group of thousands have the power to create tools, artefacts, and resources with a diversity, specificity, and comprehensiveness that could not otherwise exist.

Until recently, the simple costs of publication and distribution have made the sharing of locally created projects and learning materials beyond a single school prohibitive. Networks of XOs, and the publishing tools that come with them, will make possible the development and free sharing of learning materials customized to every locale and culture.


Comparison and critique of shared work leads naturally to grouping and curation. Curation is integral to effectively finding and sharing content. Curators will help to present comprehensible subsets of reference materials and cultural archives, to the choice of core software tools for creation, to the organization and amplification across the network of great local collaborations.

The curation of content will be done at every level; children will learn to organize and curate knowledge by creating collections for themselves and for one another, and countries and teachers will curate collections for their children and students. The Journal and Library will let children tag materials and associate them with collections from the moment of creation.

A community of curators will help to identify and build collections of excellent resources for children in each subject, and to connect communities of XO users with communities in the wider world that are already creating and organizing free knowledge.


Every OLPC school will be part of a content network that spans their country and the world. Each school will have a server with a digital library of materials. These school servers will store what children and teachers create, as well as collections from every subject area, drawn from national libraries and museums, and from creators around the world: from classics of art, music, [mathematics,] and literature to images of the world to workbooks and texts.

The servers will themselves be windows into a repository of content larger than an individual school server can hold. They will be exchange materials with other schools and with collections on national servers and across the world.

The servers will provide tools for collaboration across and among XO networks. These include a wiki for the shared development and localization of texts, and a media server for storing and streaming audio and video recordings.