Talk:Airplane mode

Revision as of 00:02, 18 January 2008 by (talk) (→‎Sugar Control Panel: - ears closed -> radio off blocks audio and usb ports)
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Sugar Control Panel

Doesn't the Sugar Control Panel command-line application already do this? The control panel article (and code in the repository) makes it look as easy as typing "sugar-control-panel radio on" or "sugar-control-panel radio off" at the prompt. (I don't have an XO myself, so I can't test this.) —Joe 17:36, 14 December 2007 (EST)

Yes, "sugar-control-panel -s radio on/off" works on my B4 with Build650/Q2D07. But my test shows that XO always start with radio on even if radio was turned off by both method before reboot. so for now XO can't be used in airplane at least in our country (Japan). --Korakurider 09:58, 17 December 2007 (EST)

That wasn't documented on the wiki, and no one told me about it when I was asking in #olpc. I will update the page to include both methods. is for Insects 13:12, 17 December 2007 (EST)
"sugar-control-panel -g radio" doesn't work after "rmmod". So I would suggest to use only "sugar-control-panel". --Korakurider 22:39, 17 December 2007 (EST)
The "rmmod" method doesn't seem to be working on my system. Wait a few seconds, and it'll be re-loaded. -- 01:50, 13 January 2008 (EST)
The path of least surprise might have been to detect whether the XO's antenna "ears" are open. If open, radio on. If closed, radio off. But I suppose that would have required an extra 2$ switch, adding to price. --[[User::Glew]] January 17, 2008
Switching off on ears closed was my first thought as well, but that won't work if I want to use the headphones. -- 19:02, 17 January 2008 (EST)