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Since I hate writing things that aren't publicly editable and viewable, here is a list of draft emails underway. Consider this... strongxopia.

Email #1

15 October 2008 (UTC)

Thank you, 8.2.0 contributors!

Everyone who has contributed digits, mathematical symbols, or processes to the production of 8.2.0 (which is not a real number, just a combination of numbers and decimals) is to be thanked tremendously.  When we added this to the world of nonnumbers, we forgot to thank you personally, so here you are : THANK   YOU  PERSONALLY .

Email #2

16 October 2008 (UTC)

Call for Proposals for XOcamp 8.2

XOcamp, the gathering formerly known as C.Scott's miniconference, will be held again this November ~17-21. This XOcamp aims to outline the coming 2 years of software development, emphasizing needs for the 9.1 release.

We want your proposals for topics to cover. These may include, but are not limited to:

 - immediate or future features and risks, 
 - philosophical questions (java?  codecs?  narrative?)
 - process and infrastruture proposals
 - current and needed research

Please submit <200 word descriptions of topics or sessions on the Sessions section or emailing your ideas to . For details about the event and submission process, see the full CFP.


[gregorio, sj, mstone, et al].