Inertial navigation peripheral/120308

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Presentation Outline of Doom

What are we doing/what our deliverables are

  • gah time derailment...
  • here's what we're going to do we promise
    • what our final prototype device will do
  • what we're going to talk about


  • Jay will talk about sensors yay!
  • Greg knows how to walk and use Office yay!

PIC/Python interface

  • Greg will talk about device drivers stuff

Demo app

  • Nikki and Tank will talk about software implementation


  • Kelcy will talk about making it for reals


  • Tank and Nikki will give a documentation update
    • what is documented
    • what needs to be documented
    • road map for documentation (where will things go? who will write them? etc.)

Final map

  • reiterate project plan and where things are going