OLPC Rwanda/Background

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Summary of Educational Initiative Findings

Summary of Educational Development Initiatives in Haiti
Name of Organization Investment in Country People They Are Working With

http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Rwanda http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Educators

Add the following for each of our countries: what major projects are run/sponsored by

  • WFP
  • WHO
  • UNDP
  • Red Cross/Red Crescent
  • the Catholic Church
  • World Vision (they publish stories from war-torn regions and related project data) - on the Mideast and Afghanistan
  • Save the Children (they're helping run the UN Education Cluster)
  • SOS Children's Villages
  • World Bank (and the Inter-American Development Bank, in LatAm)

List available data where easy to find; list but leave blank elsewhere.

  • Government expenses and budgets
  • International aid investments (focused on education; break out by country/org where available)
  • Basic education stats (from the UNICEF state of the world's children report)
  • Census stats relating to children (cf. Wikipedia's country template & World Factbook data)
  • Government expenses and budgets
  • International aid investments (focused on education; break out by country/org where available)