Software discussion

Revision as of 17:35, 20 April 2007 by MitchellNCharity (talk | contribs) (Overview - draft rewrite)
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OLPC software is a set of carefully chosen and integrated linux applications, creating an innovative user environment.

Developers, you can help get Trial1 out the door right now:

Overview - draft rewrite

OLPC software is a set of carefully chosen and integrated linux applications, creating an innovative user environment.

Basically, the laptop runs Red Hat linux with X Windows, with a novel Sugar user interface and support library, supporting a core set of "activities". Activities are programs which follow the OLPC Human Interface Guidelines. There is an emphasis on Python and GTK. Random linux software can be run too, but having a common and enabling user interface is nice, and requiring additional libraries (KDE, java runtime, whatever) is in tension with disk and memory limits.

You can:

There are four flavors of software:

Some Details

(This section needs to be updated)

Developers program

BTest Software

Build images

Laptop software

OLPC Python Environment

Software schedules

Testing checklist


Device drivers


See also