User talk:Rmyers/Village/Product Description

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This is an example of a Product Description document.

The purpose of the product description document is to identify and enumerate the following about a particular software product:

  • I&E baseline assumptions
  • I&E baseline functional and technical requirements
  • I&E project stakeholders
  • I&E success criteria
  • I&E potential issues that may be roadblocks to success and future considerations (such as how this fits into a larger or follow-on project)

It is expected that the PD document will be fairly static after the initial creation phase. What might reasonably be expect to change are:

  • List of stakeholders
  • Success criteria, if there are major scope changes
  • Issues as new ones are identified

However, the traffic ought to be pretty low.

In the overall scope of the project, this document should be of quite low effort to create and maintain. Certainly not more that ~1% of the total project effort.
