
Revision as of 17:52, 29 October 2007 by Leejc (talk | contribs)
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We are not adverse to open source for our software, although we have not made that strategic decision yet & would want to discuss it with OLPC first.

Our technology actually helps manage the JVM itself. With our framework, OLPC could decide for example to let users decide if they want live applications and services. The JVM itself is managed in a live format with our technology, along with the applications and services. This makes for an extreme level of ease of use for end users, and enables other developers with java applications and services to offer to distribute their solutions as clickable links for users. For example,I have seen other comments where people ask if a JVM is available or not. Our technology can enable OLPC to let the users make that policy decision themselves if it wanted.

I noticed a request for deletion for my original comment was made. I do not understand why. Please let me know. Thanks. -Pete

I moved your original comment to the Ask OLPC a Question because it looked like it was a communication to the OLPC people and they are more likely to see it there; the act of making a new article on its own isn't a good way to get feedback (an even better way of getting feedback may be to write to one of the mailing lists). And since your comment was the only thing in the article, I marked the article for later deletion to keep the wiki clean. I postponed deleting the article so that you could see the link to where your comment went.
And, again, while I don't speak for the OLPC people, I think they're probably pretty firm on distributing only open-source stuff, since the Java page implies that they aren't even considering distributing the free, closed-source JVM until a GPL-ed version is available. If you prefer to stay closed-source, the good news for you is that the OLPC is an open platform in the sense that the countries/users are the final arbiters of what goes on the laptops. For instance, you might be able to get your product running on an emulated XO laptop and then use that demo to convince individual countries or users to install your (closed-source, possibly for-pay) product on their XOs. I assume this is what Microsoft is planning to do with their port of Windows XP to the XO. —Joe 13:52, 29 October 2007 (EDT)