Activity query examples

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There are {{#ask:

 Activity bundle::+
 | format=count

}} pages that have a value for Property:Activity bundle.

With a template

Everything with a short description...


 Short description::+
 | ?Sugar icon
 | ?Short description
 | ?Activity bundle
 | ?Activity version
 |default=Nothing with Property:Short_description found?


TEST icon size

How do I control the icon size in Property:Sugar icon ? Feel free to fiddle around with Template:SMW_display_activity-onelineTEST.

The key is to mess around with the Image link adding parameters like |55px, you must specify link=none or link=subject, otherwise the image is already a link.

Let's try it with three activities with different-sized images:


 Short description::+
 | ?Sugar icon
 |default=Nothing with Property:Short_description found?
